It’s time to move

time to move…You have stayed at this mountain long enoughIt is time to break camp and move on.” – Deuteronomy 1:6b-7a

Change. A word many of us dread because it represents an uncomfortable state in life. It is uncomfortable because it was in one of those changing times were we made our biggest mistake. Change has become an enemy and we have bunkered into our comfortable place of “status quo,” giving fear an undeserved throne. So unknowingly we opt for change; a change of masters. Change has become so difficult for us to handle that we are paralyzed in places that by our own admission are the wrong places. But we remain there because at least we know where we are. We don’t do good with change. Yet change is constant in every one’s life, even when we don’t want to admit it.

Moses was told by God himself to move. To leave the familiar for the unfamiliar. To trade the comfortable with the uncomfortable. To change the easy for the difficult. Every stage of life has a place and people for them. When we reflect intently into our past, we see a trend of who, what, when and where, and the results of those associations. There are places and people that might be a fixture in our life, and there others that are just for a season. There are places that are to remain part of who we are, and there are other places that are just a staging positions of our lives and a springboard for the future. Moses was told this clearly: “It is time to break camp and move on.” And probably this is what you need to do today.

Moving on is fearful and exciting all at the same time. There is hope in change. A sense of better and greater things ahead, even when we have no foresight of what that might be. We press on because hope fuels us. Hope is the oxygen of humanity. The children of Israel were urged to start moving so they could start growing. The familiar was good yet the unfamiliar was best. It would be costly, but worth it. In hindsight, a tipping point in history for a nation and the world.

This might be the inflection point you were secretly hoping for. This uncomfortable, blurry and messy situation might just be the place and the moment to thrust you into a new dimension never thought possible. This change, this decision, this direction, might be the one that defines the entire ending of your story. The truth about this story is the same truth about yours and mine. Because even when we might not acknowledge it every time, God is and has been walking with us all along and will continue to do so in the midst of change. “There you saw how the LORD your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place,” and this should give you and me the assurance, that even when it might not be easy, we will get to the place God has promised us.

You can decide to stay put, to remain in the mountain even longer because it is comfortable and known to you. And your life might go well. Or you can dethrone fear from your life and raise the banner of hope that is branded in your heart. You can become the catalyst that ignites a chain reaction that creates a movement, a brand, a church, a family, a new future that will be traced back to your action. Because action begets expansion.

The message is clear; it’s time to move.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2013

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, Copyright© 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright© 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

1 thought on “It’s time to move

  1. I cannot express any words without emotion at this moment. Your message came in at the perfect time; but I did not see it until today. It seems more perfect now if I look back to all the events that occurred last week. I forwarded it to Pedro…this message seemed as if taken out and placed in front of my very own eyes to open them. I hope Pedro sees what I see and sense! It is amazing! After so many years into our friendship, I am so glad and thankful that God has appointed you as my “impu’s following angel”…That is grace!
