Don’t Quit!

There’s a scene from the movie Facing the Giants, in which coach Grant Taylor tells Brock Kelley to do the death crawl with a teammate on his back. The kicker is that he had to do it blindfolded, and the only direction he would received was the voice of the coach, not the sight of his eyes. It is a very inspiring scene. It represents life in many ways, yours and mine. We go through life many times crawling, because that’s the only way we can advance. And we also we find ourselves crawling blindfolded with extra weight over us. A perfect combination for a quitter.

We have all had these seasons in our lives. Moments that make us question everything. Times when our sight is clouded, blindfolded, and we have no direction whatsoever. Times in which we have an extra weight on our backs that pushes us down, reviving the idea of quitting every second. It’s in moments like these that I appreciate the coach Taylor’s of the world. Those that push us harder and inspire us to continue to move forward, even when we can’t see where we are going. That voice that leads us to the end zone, and helps us realize that we can do more, be more, achieve more. That voice that will not accept a no for an answer, and will expect the best of us, no matter what.

We need those voices. We all need from time to time; a firm voice that will acknowledge the pain, the struggle, but in spite of that will inspire and push you to the end zone. Just when Brock says, “its hard”, coach Taylor responds, “I know its hard, but you can do it”. And louder and louder he shouted on, “Don’t quit, Don’t Quit, your very best!”.

The same I tell you today. Don’t Quit. I know its hard, I know you can’t see anything in the horizon, but trust the voice, even if it is your own, that tells you; Don’t quit! Don’t quit on your family, it might be hard, but you have to give your very best! Don’t quit on your passion, I know its frustrating some times, but you have to give your very best!, Don’t quit on your children; there are many disappointments, but they are full of potential and they deserve your very best. Don’t quit on your God, He is the ultimate voice that leads you to the end zone, that pushes you further, beyond your limits, because He knows you can do more.

You can be a coach Taylor to the Brock Kelley’s in your life. Or maybe you feel like Brock, and just want to give up. I know, I’ve been both. Just follow the voice, push hard. If you do I promise you one thing; You will get to the end zone and everyone, even yourself, will be amazed of what you will achieved.

So above all, DON’T QUIT!

Enjoy the clip!

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”
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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2014
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

What a ride!

Today marks the date when we decided to put action to our faith, legs to our dreams. We instilled life to what was being birthed inside our hearts. Exactly one year we embarked into this new adventure of a complete relocation. It just seems like it happened yesterday, and yet a year has passed. I remember how I felt. A new home, a new church, a new everything. Adrenaline was the fuel that kept me going every day, or so I thought. It’s been a year where everything was on the line. A year where every breath we took, was taken with profound expectation. The expectation that the next moment would be better, greater and bigger. This has been a year where our confidence in the ONE that called us to be HIS, has grown in ways unimaginably to our natural minds. It has been a year where our actions have been bold, moving out of our comfort zones like we never thought.

It all started with a promise and a sense of urgency. A promise of better possibilities for those that we love the most, our son and our daughter. It started 5 years before, when Alex was nine and Amy was eight. We understood that even when we’ve had success in our professional lives, our real success is enjoyed when it is seen in our home. For us, success is a life full of God’s grace and mercy. A life that exudes HIS goodness and that delves into his wisdom. A sense of urgency that time is precious and our children cannot be gambled with.

Time and space will not be enough to pen down all that has happened this year. Even when I almost lost my life in the process, I can say without a doubt that HE has been with us every step. We have not walked alone. Has it been worth it? You bet. He has been faithful even when we haven’t. Matt Redman wrote a song called “Never Once”, that I heard when we moved. It describes how I felt and how I feel today, not because of what has happened this year, but because it is a reminder that on every step we have ever taken, even when those steps have lead us to dark places, HE has been there always. The same is true for you today.

So if you think you are alone, think again. He has been there every step, even when you are going through turmoil and uncertainty. Don’t be afraid, just take the next step, HE is there with you.

As for me, when I look back I wouldn’t change anything. God is faithful. It’s been a great year, and it is just the beginning, all I can say is, “What a ride!”.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldoando, 2012

A message for men

by DP

“Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt. Serve the Lord! And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14-15

“Every man has a battle to fight and a beauty to rescue” These were the words of John Eldredge when he took center stage at a conference I attended in 2004. It was a great and an inspiring message. In the past weeks my family and I saw the movie Courageous which stirred many of the same emotions I felt with John’s exposition a couple of years ago.

Since that moment, I find myself wrestling with the need of “quiet time”, some alone time, and by the same token, in need of “together” time too. An oxymoron, I know, but that is how I felt. “Quiet time” to ponder my thoughts, and “together” time to share my heart with my wife, my son and my daughter. Moments that matter. I feel that time is running faster than It takes for me to accomplish what is in my heart. There is an awakening inside for the greater truths that I should have been living long time ago. And synthesizing John’s talk several years ago; Our story is a story of greatness.

We all have this sense of greatness inside. Of being the redeeming knight, the hero and warrior that stands for truth and crushes evil. The man that stands up to the challenge and knows deep inside the values that need to be uphold, and he does so without second guessing. The sea of thoughts assault the mind and overwhelms the soul, as the search goes on for a verse, a passage or a word that might give it hope, strength, comfort and guidance. We want an answer that will appease the soul and tell it that everything will be ok. That we will be able to fulfill the dreams and desires that are rooted in the heart; greatness.

God created us to feel this way, but more importantly to act this way. It doesn’t matter where in life you are right now, you can step up to the challenge and be the man you were called to be. Wether you have a family or not, fulfill your story. And in order to achieve greatness, there will be need to be violent, to fight and be forceful against the menacing forces that are surrounding those we have been entrusted. That fight will be fought by standing firm on our knees. To stand unafraid of the future, to leave the sidelines and embrace life.

As the theme song for this movie states, “May the watchers become warriors, Let the men of God arise”, we are called to do the same as Joshua boldly spoke to the men of Israel, “…But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. So today make it your resolution, wherever you are in life today, to take back what is yours, to boldly proclaim that you will lead and not follow, that you will protect and not fear. That the time of idleness is over and that your legacy will not be the same, because you decided to make a dent in the universe and to finish well.

I completely agree with the song when it states, “The only way you’ll ever stand is on your knees with lifted hands”. Change the world, lead to greatness.

Breathe, Live, Move…

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

You can hear and purchase this wonderful statement on the song titled “Courageous” by Casting Crowns at

Graduation day

by DP

“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.” – Revelation 22:12

It was quite a different feeling altogether. I had walked the entire day before, searching for the clothes he would wear. We got the tie, the shirt, the pants, the shoes, (He actually wanted to use sneakers!) and the usual haircut. A day of shopping around, a great day of hanging out with my son. (Ah, and less money in my pocket!)

The day came and we headed out to the graduation ceremony. It was a great moment, and also a moment of deep thoughts and emotions. Emotions got to high level when a slideshow was presented with the students pictures. My son had selected a picture to be displayed from his early school days and then his current photo was shown. I just can’t quite put in words what I felt that moment. Joy, hope, a myriad of feelings that day (and an occasional tear bothering my eyes!). One thing was certain, I hoped for greater things for my son and felt very proud of him.

This day was the culmination and the beginning of two seasons. The culmination of years of studying and learning and the beginning of a season of new experiences, challenges, and victories, and yes, more studying and learning. The graduation was the recognition of the work that was done years before. While sitting there, it also made me reflect about life, about my wife, my son, my daughter, and myself. And I realized that we all will stand before our God one day, we will be called by our name and receive the reward of what we have done in this life. That day is not the day to get prepared. On that day there is nothing that can be done to get a medal or recognition. That day is graduation, reward day.

As I felt that day, I was and I am, proud of my son, will God feel the same about you on that day? If you’re not sure, it is not too late to you turn your heart to Him and amend your ways. He has promised to hear you and receive you. He has made all that needs to be made in order for you and I to be reconciled with Him. We all have sinned and we all have a past, and we all have a future if we want to. – “Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future” Craig Groeschel

You and I will receive the reward according to our work, for what we did with our lives. Make it a rewarding one. The day will come and it will be, graduation day.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

May four

The Big Apple was the setting. Her heart was beating intensely, she knew it was time, she knew this was different. Her eyes moving from side to side and every vein in her face was filled with the pressure of every muscle concentrated in the task. Pain and struggle filled the atmosphere, and in a moment, joy and calm reign the room. It was the fourth of May at 3:00 am when it all began.

That day a voice surged, and it was heard powerfully like prophesying the passion that would guide her steps for the rest of her life. It wasn’t understood that way at the time, like many other great voices that had emerged, it was confused to be “another” voice. But her voice that day was rehearsing to what would be her lifelong task; To praise the Almighty. A strong voice, a humble heart, loving hands, and a firm spirit.

May four, that day it all started. That day a promise was brought to life. A promise of a life filled with joy, hope, potential, and praise. Also a life that would see many obstacles, scars and trials which had tried to silence her voice. But praise always found its way from her heart to her lungs and resounded in her voice.

Today that voice continues to be heard. Sometimes in the wee hours of the morning or late at night, her voice reverbs the words of the One that gave her purpose, and gave her her voice.

May four, that was the day that the woman I love was born, and that day my promise was born, too.

Happy birthday Sandy!

Do you know your Father?

by DP

“My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:31-32

Recently, some friends and I took some time to have lunch together. We gathered to talk about life and about how great things the Lord has done in our lives. It was a refreshing time.

When we were about to leave, this passage of the scripture came up. Our friend told us, “If you read carefully, you can understand that the Father had two lost sons, neither of them knew the Father”. I had never heard this portion of scripture displayed that way. One son clearly had sinned and wasted all that he was entitled to, this was known to me. But the other that stood home never enjoyed the blessings of his Father. He simple did not knew his Father. He was at the home physically, but where was his heart?

This made me think profoundly. Do I really know you Lord? Have I spent enough time to seek you, to know you, to spend time refreshing my soul with your presence? Do I enjoy your blessings and pursue my full potential in your hands? Do I seek for you to do great things in me? We are so engulfed in many things daily, and it is easy to be entertained with the busyness of life, work and even in church.

Take time to seek Him in the morning, to know Him through His word, and to feast in His presence. Do you really know your Father?

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2006