God will open your eyes

by DP

Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water and gave the lad to drink. Genesis 21:19

The story unfolds as an uncertain time for a mother and her son. Hagar bore Abraham’s first son Ishmael when Sarah could not, as suggested by Sarah herself to Abraham. Once Isaac was born things changed. Sarah saw Ishmael scoffing Isaac, and she didn’t like at all. Sarah told Abraham to cast them out.

So Hagar went to the desert of Beersheba and wandered, with only bread, a skin of water and her son (v.14). Soon the skin of water was used up and she placed the boy under some shrubs to let him die. From a short distance she stood to watch. She was certain that this was the end, but she could not possibly see when the her son died.

But then, something unexpected happened. The scripture says that God heard the voice of the child and the angel of God spoke to her and asked, “What ails you, Hagar?, Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is.” (v17)” The angel of god told to pick up her son because the Lord would make him a great nation. Then an amazing thing changed in her. Her eyes were opened.

Have you ever been in a situation were you have used up all of your “available” resources? Have you thought it is the end? Is your current situation telling you, there is no hope, no way out? Have you felt that your creativity and your sense of direction is gone. Do you feel that you have wandering around and around just waiting for that moment to come. Yes, you might be surrounded by real conflict, you might be lacking creativity, you may be in a financial burden and on top of that you wander around eating up your resources pushing you more and more into a state of mind where you cannot see God’s hand in your life. If you give in, you let our situation define who you are and what your destiny and those that depend on you will be. You only see what is in front of you and that dictates your moves.

God is telling you today, I will open your eyes, so you can see that there is a well of water around you that will satisfy your thirst. It has always been there. I am present, I am here; just cry out to me from where you are, and your vision will return, your creativity will rise and I will make you a great nation, says the Lord to you today. Everyone will be amazed of what will become of you. Right there where you are, in the midst of your situation, even when others have cast you out and have left you to die in the wilderness, God will open your eyes.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2006