The greatest task of all

We always are looking to achieve that high calling, our own sweet spot. Our mind, soul and heart are captivated by that thought. For me the well spoken word is the greatest task of all. It has been, it is, and will be, the way the world is molded. Words will always stir emotions in the heart and soul of men. Ideas are conveyed and dreams are built and acted upon on the effective speech, whether good or evil. Communication is by far the most effective way of building, anything. It is the power of action behind the inspired souls. Be it acting after a simple “Hello” or a “Mom I’m hungry” or “Let’s be all that we can be” or “I have a dream”; perhaps great movements from all around the world have started after hearing a great speech or by the inspiration of written word.

The men and women we regard as great, are and where always, great communicators. Think about it. In spite of their personal lives, there are many examples where we still say, “What a great communicator!” These individuals talked as if they where talking to friends and spoke from the heart, they connected with their audience and they spoke at the times when it was most needed. These kind of speeches have built bridges between broken hearts, freed captive cities or stirred the hearts of men to start revolutions.

Jesus, spoke in word, and in flesh because he spoke the heart of God. And we still are amazed by what was written of all he did and still does in the lives of men. His words stirred the hearts of all that heard him, and that transformation continues to this day. He was the greatest communicator of all. He said it well “Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear.”

Are your words building those around you? Are you transforming your environment in a positive way? There is much to say about the spoken word, but one thing remains as an undisputed truth; The tongue can bring death or life; We all have the power to transform everything around us, with our words. Proverbs also says, Gentle words are a tree of life; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit. And we could continue to mention example after example of the power of words. Books have been written on the subject, but more importantly lives have changed because of words spoken. What and how are you speaking? How are you conveying your message to those closest to you? Are your words a fountain of life? Are your words uplifting the spirit of those that hear them?

You can talk like the mainstream where all is doom and gloom or you can be the voice of change, the voice that soothes and the action that transforms. We all can be great, we all can be a catalyst; with our words. Be great in the greatest task of all.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2012
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.