About Danny Maldonado

I love to inspire people to Breathe expectantly, to Live confidently and to Move boldly. I love coffee. Husband and father. Hungry for God's presence and awed by His unfailing and undeserved Love for me! Did I say that I love coffee?

Un Susurro

Entonces El dijo: Sal y ponte en el monte delante del Señor. Y he aquí que el Señor pasaba. Y un grande y poderoso viento destrozaba los montes y quebraba las peñas delante del Señor; pero el Señor no estaba en el viento. Después del viento, un terremoto; pero el Señor no estaba en el terremoto. Después del terremoto, un fuego; pero el Señor no estaba en el fuego. Y después del fuego, el susurro de una brisa apacible. 1 Reyes 19:12-12

Hace un tiempo atrás, mientras manejaba hacia mi trabajo, escuchaba una canción de René Gonzalez, “Mi Vida.’ René es un amigo que amo y admiro y es un talentoso cantante y Pastor en Puerto Rico, reconocido internacionalmente. Mientras escuchaba esta canción, unas cuantas líneas llamaron mi atención y me hicieron recordar mi accidente.

“Mi vida, vio la vida que refleja tu mirada

yo pensé que era el final de mi jornada,

pero Tú llegaste para rescatar, mi vida”

Aunque la canción se refiere al poder de Jesús al redimirnos del pecado, no pude sino pensar en mi experiencia con el rayo. Ha pasado algún tiempo desde que escribí acerca de mi accidente en Todavía estoy de pie. Durante este tiempo he pensado mucho acerca del incidente, especialmente cuando hay tormentas eléctricas. Pero cuando escuché las palabras en esta canción, inmediatamente me transporté a ese día. Mi corazón está lleno de agradecimiento al recordar que pudo haber sido una historia totalmente diferente. Fue un momento de total rendición y mi corazón se sumergió en adoración.

Durante estos meses me he hecho muchas preguntas y he buscado significado. ¿Porqué? ¿Para qué? y en mas ocasiones de las que puedo recordar, le he pedido a Dios que me hable. Entonces algo llamó mi atención como nunca antes. Mientras leía el Salmo 29  el verso 7 cobró vida: “La voz del Señor resuena con relámpagos.” ¿Será posible? ¿Será verdad? ¿Que Él me haya hablado y no me diera cuenta? Sé que mi experiencia con el rayo es una en un millón, pero mis preguntas persistían. Fue cuando recordé a Elías en la cueva y ocurrió un terremoto, un fuego y un viento fuerte. Con frecuencia relacionamos a Dios con lo espectacular, y queremos que lo extraordinario se manifieste en nuestras vidas, lo impactante es lo que nos conmueve y nos inspira. Pero cuando Elías escuchó un susurro, era allí donde Dios estaba, en lo ordinario. Él susurró porque estaba cerca.

Me conmueve el saber que el Creador del universo escogió hablarme de la manera que en que lo hizo. Tengo que admitir que puede que nunca lo comprenda del todo, pero una cosa tengo bien clara y es que Él habla de muchas mas formas de las que le damos crédito. ¿Puede ser que tu y yo estamos tan distraídos que el Señor de Señores ha estado tratando de hacernos ver la vida que refleja su mirada y no nos hemos dado cuenta? ¿Será que Él ha estado susurrándonos y nosotros estamos esperando rayos, terremotos, fuego, o vientos grandes y fuertes? ¿Has hecho señor de tu vida el agite de este mundo?

Él está susurrándote. ¿Lo estás escuchando?

Aquí está el video de René González

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

¿Quieres esta inspiración de café por correo electrónico todas las mañanas? Ingresa tu dirección de correo electrónico para suscribirte en la parte superior derecha de esta página, debajo de la casilla de “Subscribe” ¿Te gusta este escrito y deseas compartirlo? Simplemente añade tu comentario abajo en “Leave a Reply” o compártelo en Facebook, Twitter, o por correo electrónico usando cualesquiera de los botones al lado de “Share this:”

© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2018

Las citas bíblicas son tomadas de la Santa Biblia: la Biblia de las Américas: con referencias y notas (electronic ed., 1 Ki 19:11–12). La Habra, CA: Editorial Fundación, Casa Editorial para La Fundación Bíblica Lockman (1998). Todos los derechos reservados. 

Nueva Traducción Viviente. (2009). (Ps 29:7). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

A Whisper

The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:11-12

While driving to work some time ago I was listening to a song from René Gonzalez, “Mi Vida” or “My Life” in English. René is a friend that I love and admire, and he is an internationally renowned and gifted singer and pastor from Puerto Rico. While I was listening to this song, a couple of lines caught my attention and made me remember my accident.

“Mi vida, vio la vida que refleja tu mirada,

yo pensé que era el final de mi jornada,

pero Tú llegaste para rescatar, mi vida”

This is not necessarily a good translation for the verses of the song, and may note reflect the correct cadence, but are here to relay the meaning I gleaned while listening:

“My life, saw the life reflected in your gaze

I thought that this was the end of my days

But You came to rescue, my life.”

While the song is referring to the redemptive power of Jesus from our sins, I could not but think of my experience with lightning. It’s been some time since I wrote about my accident in the post I’m still standing. During this time I have thought a lot about it, especially when there are thunderstorms. But when I listened to the words of this song, I immediately went back to that day. My heart was full of gratefulness as I remembered that it could have been an entirely different story. It was a moment of complete rendition, and my heart was submerged in worship.

During these months I have asked many questions and looked for meaning. Why me? What for? and more times that I can remember, I have also asked God to speak to me. But then something came to my attention like never before. While reading Psalm 29, verse 7 came alive: “The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightning.” Could it be possible? Can this be true? That I had been spoken to and didn’t realize it? I know that my lightning strike experience is one in a million, but still my questions remain. I then remembered when Elijah was in the cave and there was an earthquake, fire and a rushing wind. The spectacular is what we oftentimes relate to God, we want the extraordinary to be showcase in our lives, the impactful is what stirs us and moves us. But when Elijah heard a whisper, that is where God was, in the ordinary. He whispered because he was close.

It is humbling to know that the Creator of the universe chose to speak to me the way he did. And I’ll admit that I might never fully comprehend it all. But one thing became especially clear to me; He speaks in more ways than what we credit him for. Could it be that you and I have been so distracted that The Lord of Lords has been trying to make us see the life that reflects from his gaze upon us, and you and I are missing it? Has he been whispering to you and are waiting for lightning, an earthquake, fire, or a rushing wind? Have you made the struggle of this world the lord of your life?

He is whispering. Are you listening?

Here is the video of this song by René Gonzalez

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2018
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

All you need is me

Farm fencesIt is hard to be in an unknown place and feel lost. Many times in real physical places and other times in figurative ones, yet still lost. Not a good feeling at all. You know the ones I’m talking about? The times when your feelings betray your logic, or when reality challenges your beliefs. It becomes and emotional mess and a place where your character is tested.

This isn’t new to our generation. It has been happening for centuries. In the book of Exodus 33:12-14 it is plainly described. Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”  Did you catch that? The man that spoke and heard directly from God was questioning him about his own purpose. He was at a crossroad, unsure, lost. But this puzzling time also became one of the most significant times for Moses and for us. God’s responded, “The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”  In plain English: In this uncertain time, all you need is me.

You might find yourself in a crossroad, a place where all you see is quicksand and uncertainty. The natural thing to do is to run for the hills or to call eery living soul we could possibly know. We seek the counsel of men and resort to our own strengths. But there is a whisper that lovingly tells you, “All you need is me. Only I will give you rest.”

Stop searching around what you can only receive from above. And trust, relax and walk. You already have what you need.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”
Want this inspiration of coffee by email every morning? Enter your e-mail to subscribe at the top right of this page under the box for “Subscribe”. Like this writing and want share it? Just add your comment below on “Leave a Reply” or share it on Facebook, Twitter, or by email using any of the buttons next to “Share this:”
© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2017
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Todavía estoy de pie

Este es un tipo de mensaje diferente, es más como una nota en un diario. Como sucede con todos nosotros, enmarcamos nuestra vida y nuestros puntos de vista por las experiencias que tenemos. El pasado sábado, 16 de de julio de 2016, fue uno de esos para mí. Aquí está mi breve descripción de lo que pasó; un evento que todavía estoy procesando.

Llevé a mi hijo temprano a trabajar y después de dejarlo, conduje al sur durante más de una hora. Estoy trabajando con un vehículo en casa y estaba buscando algunas piezas de otro para terminar el mío (no soy mecánico, sino asesor financiero, pero me gusta arreglar cosas). Llegué cerca de las 8:00 am a mi destino y empecé a trabajar en el vehículo. Me tomó 4 horas para terminar. Mientras estaba recogiendo mis herramientas y colocándolas en el baúl de mi vehículo, la lluvia comenzó a caer. Me apresuré a recoger las piezas y empecé a escuchar los truenos, por lo que me metí en el vehículo a esperar. Cuando escampó, salí de nuevo, paraguas en mano, para terminar  de recoger todo. Y entonces sucedió: Fui alcanzado por un rayo. Permita que eso haga su efecto…

No hay nada que pueda preparar a uno para algo como esto. No hay manera de hacerle justicia o describir por completo la instantánea ocurrencia de ser alzando por un rayo, pero lo voy a intentar.

Lo primero que ocurrió fue una explosión, y luego el mundo a mi alrededor se distorsionó por completo. Veía neblina por todos lados que ahora sé era humo blanco. No había control ni hay lógica en lo que me estaba pasando. En un instante supe que había sido golpeado por una fuerza inimaginable que ejecutó sumisión total de mí. Fue un evento como en cámara lenta, pero en realidad fue instantáneo. Recuerdo que estaba en el suelo de gravilla y caí sobre mi lado izquierdo. Vi mi cuerpo, pero no me podía mover. Vi el cielo y no podía determinar si estaba vivo o muerto. Surrealista. Luego, cuando el mundo a mi alrededor dejó de moverse, y, o bien por la fuerza de la caída o por un movimiento inconsciente, me encontré de espalda, pero no podía sentir mi cuerpo. Entonces pude levantar la cabeza y traté de mover mis extremidades. Mi brazo derecho y pierna izquierda comenzaron a moverse, pero mi brazo izquierdo y la pierna derecha estaban totalmente inmóviles; ningún movimiento en absoluto. Al tratar de incorporarme, todo lo que recuerdo que salió de mi boca fue: “¡Gracias Dios, Gracias Señor!” al darme cuenta de que estaba vivo, que había sobrevivido.

Mi reacción inmediata fue llamar al dueño de casa, Martin. Yo estaba gritando a viva voz, “¡Martin, Martin, Martin!” y nadie salía de la casa. Entonces se abrió la puerta, y Martin salió y grité: “¡Ayúdame, ayúdame, me acaba de dar un rayo.” Martin corrió hacia mí y me ayudó a levantar. El literalmente me puso sobre sus hombros, y me llevó adentro. Mi brazo izquierdo y la pierna derecha, no respondían. No podía sentir nada. Luego que llamaron al 911, le pedí que llamara a Sandy, que quería hablar con ella. Cuando hablé con mi esposa le dije, “Estoy bien, Dios es bueno Sandy, Dios es bueno, Te amo.”

Mientras la ambulancia me transportaba al hospital, los paramédicos hicieron todo tipo de preguntas, verificaban mi corazón, el pulso, insertaron un IV. Al entrar al centro de trauma, el personal médico allí esperando, preguntaban si yo era el hombre que había sido alcanzado por un rayo; sus palabras, “¿Y sobrevivió?”

Adelantemos ocho horas mas tarde, con el estómago vacío, sin agua, el cuerpo magullado, dos CT-Scans, radiografías, análisis de sangre, y un sinfín de preguntas. El resultado final: no hay daños a mis órganos o extremidades. La única evidencia visible eran las marcas en el brazo y la pierna donde la electricidad viajó, my frente en la que me dí con quien sabe que, y un zapato quemado y roto.

La imagen de arriba es el árbol que estaba a unos 20 pies de mí que muestra el daño del azote, y el daño en el zapato por donde salió la descarga, y todavía estoy de pie. Mientras escribo estas palabras, mis ojos se llenan de lágrimas, porque sólo por la gracia de Dios, su amor inagotable y su misericordia infinita todavía estoy de pie.

“Pero tú, Señor, eres escudo alrededor de mí, mi gloria, y el que levanta mi cabeza.” Salmo 3:3

Esa la única razón por la que todavía estoy de pie.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2016

I’m still standing

This is a different kind of post, it’s more like a journal entry. As it happens to all of us, our life and our views are framed by the experiences we have. This past Saturday, July 16, 2016, was one of those for me. Here is as short as I can describe what happened; an event I am still processing.

I took my son to work early and after dropping him off, I drove south for more than an hour. I have a car project at home and was getting some parts from another one to finish mine (I’m not a mechanic, I’m a financial advisor, but I enjoy fixing things). I arrived close to 8:00 am to my destination and started to work on the vehicle. It took me 4 hours to finish. As I was grabbing my tools and putting them in the trunk, rain started to fall. I hurried to pick up the parts and I began to hear thunder, so I got into the car to wait. As it subsided, I went out again, umbrella on hand, to finish picking everything up. And then it happened: I was struck by lightning. Let that one sink in…

There is nothing that can prepare you for something like this. There is no way to make justice or completely describe the instantaneous occurrence of a lightning strike, but I will try.

The first thing was an explosion, and then the world completely around me got all distorted. Fog-like around me, that I now know was really white smoke. There was no control and no logic to what was happening to me. In an instant, I knew I was hit by an unimaginable force that executed total submission of me. A slow-motion type of event, that was actually an instantaneous one. I remember being on the gravel floor and landed on my left side. I saw my body, but couldn’t move. I saw the sky and couldn’t determine if I was alive or dead. Surreal. Then when the world around me stopped moving, and either by the force of the fall or an unconscious movement, I found myself on my back, but I couldn’t feel my body. Then I was able to lift my head and tried to move my limbs. My right arm and left leg started to move, but my left arm and right leg appeared completely lumped; no movement at all. As I began to try to incorporate myself, all I remember that came from my mouth was “Thank you God, Thank you Lord!” as I realized I was alive, that I had survived.

My immediate reaction was to call the homeowner, Martin. I was yelling at the top of my lungs, “Martin, Martin, Martin!” and no one came out of the house. Then the door opened, and Martin came out as I yelled: “Help me, help me, I was struck by lightning!” Martin ran towards me and help me get up. He literally put me on his shoulders, and he carried me inside. My left arm and right leg, unresponsive. I couldn’t feel a thing. As they called 911, I asked that he call Sandy and that I wanted to talk to her. As I spoke to my wife I said to her, “I’m ok, God is good Sandy, God is good, I love you.”

While the ambulance rushed me out to the hospital, the paramedics made all kinds of questions, checked my heart, pulse, inserted an IV. Entering the trauma center, the medical staff waiting for me were wondering if I was the guy that had been struck by lightning; their words, “And he survived?”

Fast forward 8 hours, an empty stomach, no water, a bruised body, two Ct Scans, X-rays, blood work, and endless questions. The end result: there was no damaged at all to my organs, or limbs. The only visible evidence were the marks in my arm and leg where the electricity traveled, in my forehead that I hit with who knows what, and a burned and blown shoe.

The picture above is the tree that was about 20 feet from me that shows the damage of the strike, and the damage in the shoe where the discharge exited, and I am still standing. As I pen these words, tears well up in my eyes, because only by God’s grace, His unfailing love, and His endless mercy, I’m still standing.

“But you, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” Psalm 3:3

It is the only reason that I’m still standing.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2016

Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

One purpose

aGc-pkgjesus_feetI cannot stop but to imagine what that day looked liked. I think of a quiet room, a clear sky and the sun coming up gently on the horizon. His eyes slowly opening and gazing at the magnificent masterpiece in the firmament his father had painted for him. The same way they’d both painted many mornings before. But this morning was different, this morning was crucial. Something unusual was about to happen, something that would reverb in the entire cosmos. As he moved from his resting position, his spirit quickened. This was the day that would start it all. The moment he had been preparing all of his mortal life. It marked the moment that would be written in the hearts of all humankind and change its landscape forever. When his feet finally touched the cold ground, all of the universes trembled. Galaxies were born, and stars started to explode. The oceans roared, the mountains sang. This day, this first step would change it all. And taking a deep breath, he took a bold step and walked out the door towards the Jordan River. This day would be recorded in history as the day his life would start to unfold as never before.

And as the journey took him, he healed the sick and loved the unlovable. He stood up against the oppression and lifted the spirit of the brokenhearted. The passion of his hands was as intense as the compassion in his eyes. He spoke his mind because he knew the hearts. The unexplainable of his deeds was explained by his love.

His love towards those that even hated him made his life not to be his own. And he gave it away. The dawn of that dark Friday crushed the spirit of those who saw his final breath. Everyone thought he had already taken his last final step. His body was entombed, his likeness was sent to be forgotten, or so everyone thought.

But then Sunday morning. In my imagination, I think that meanwhile his body was covered by the cloth, his spirit quickened. Something unusual happened once again, something that resounded in the entire cosmos. It was the day that would seal it all. His eyes started to open, his muscles to flex, his heart to beat and his breath to flutter the cloth covering his mount and filling the room. This time was different, this time there was nothing to prove and nothing to say. And once again as that day began, his mortal body started to erect from a resting state. This felt familiar to him, yet completely different. And as if the entire universe passed in slow motion, his feet approached the ground. Like a movie reel, he saw all the faces of those he loved passing in front of him, and then an earth-shattering sound. His feet had touched once again the cold floor, with a purpose. And taking a deep breath, he took a bold step and walked out the cave towards those he loved.

Two crucial moments, one purpose. Redemption and love were his secret ambition, recorded in history as two steps but one purpose. We were and are that purpose.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2016

The answer to your desert

Thorn_Tree_Sossusvlei_Namib_Desert_Namibia_Luca_Galuzzi_2004aThe sky was filled with stars, his dwelling place was an empty place, a dry place, a parched place, an inhospitable place. The man with a heart of a king opened his eyes to a dwelling of a lost kin; the desert. The place where men, if they stay there long enough, are lost and forgotten. A place that if not careful will make you see things that are not real. A place that twists your reality with fable to a point where you cannot distinguish which is which, and in the process, kills your hope. This is where David made for a season, his dwelling place; an unprotected place.

Haven’t you been here? I think we all have visited the desert more times than what we would like to admit. It is a lonely place. One that others look from afar and choose to keep their distance, even when they see us struggling. It is that place in which lack, ungratefulness, broken promises, shunning, unforgiveness, restlessness, exhaustion, desperation, among others, become our companions day and night. It is here where every option we have, are often bad ones. It is a harsh place. Here you start looking to your needs and nothing else. Selfishness arises, and understandably so. Dry places, where there is no water, birth exhaustion and thirst. How do we respond to that?

Our natural inclination is self-preservation. We cling to what we have and desperately look for clues of how to get out of this desert that engulfs our every living minute. We breathe, think and see dryness, every day, every place we look at, every door we knock. David felt exactly the same way. In Psalm 63 he gives us the answer. Curiously enough, the answer was precisely the name of the place he was in. David was in the Desert of Judah. I can just but imagine that when he started to write and memorialize and as he penned down the date and the place, he realized one thing; he was still in Judah. The answer to his current dilemma was in the name of the place he was actually in. It seems like a contradiction, but it is not. Judah means “he will be praised.” The answer to the desert is praise.

Praise changes everything. Our desert is a place of limited options. Oddly, it also offers us the best one as well; God himself. When we realize that, we understand that our desert is a place to occupy ourselves in God, not on us. To focus our attention on Him. The answer to your lack is Praise; to the shunning of men, Praise; to the turning of backs, Praise; to the condemnation of men, Praise; to the loss of respect, Praise; to the loss of hope, Praise; to unanswered pleads for help, Praise.

How would you praise if you knew that the pathway out of your desert was praise? David knew this so he praised: Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.” Psalm 63:3-5.

The answer to your desert is praise.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

Want this inspiration of coffee by email every morning? Enter your e-mail to subscribe at the top right of this page under the box for “Subscribe”. Like this writing and want share it? Just add your comment below on “Leave a Reply” or share it on Facebook, Twitter, or by email using any of the buttons next to “Share this:”

© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2016
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Mi Pastor es un León

lec3b3n-y-cordero-2016-05-28-08-29“Jehová es mi pastor nada me faltará. En lugares de delicados pastos me hará descansar, junto a aguas de reposo me pastoreará.” Salmo 23:1-2

Pero mi pastor no es uno cualquiera. El se dice que es la puerta para las ovejas, para llegar a mi tienen que pasar por el. Mi pastor tiene una sola misión, su misión soy yo. Da su vida por mi. Pero no pienses que es un pastor débil, o un pastor que se amedrenta. Mi pastor es un León.

Y él no es un león domesticado. El León de la tribu de Judá. El que ha vencido para abrir los sellos del libro de Dios. Apocalipsis 5: 5-6.

Siempre RUGE. Nunca llega tarde. Él podría estar corriendo por el bosque; Está corriendo a salvarnos.

Si voy por el valle de la muerte, no temeré. Porque a mi pastor es un león.

Si estoy herido en el valle, me recoge y me llevan en su espalda.

¿Y quién se atreverá a venir en contra del Gran León?

Él es el cuarto hombre en el horno. La oveja que es un león. El gran YO SOY.

¡Oh alma cansada, no te desalientes, Oye su rugido! Escuchar sus pisadas golpear el suelo mientras se acerca corriendo al rescate!

Él nunca ha sido derrotado.

Y él me ama, yo soy su oveja, él es mi pastor y Él es un león.

Cuando lloro, me escucha. Y él es un león celoso, un león feroz.

¿Por qué temer? Si a la puerta de las ovejas, está el León.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2016