Don’t Quit!

There’s a scene from the movie Facing the Giants, in which coach Grant Taylor tells Brock Kelley to do the death crawl with a teammate on his back. The kicker is that he had to do it blindfolded, and the only direction he would received was the voice of the coach, not the sight of his eyes. It is a very inspiring scene. It represents life in many ways, yours and mine. We go through life many times crawling, because that’s the only way we can advance. And we also we find ourselves crawling blindfolded with extra weight over us. A perfect combination for a quitter.

We have all had these seasons in our lives. Moments that make us question everything. Times when our sight is clouded, blindfolded, and we have no direction whatsoever. Times in which we have an extra weight on our backs that pushes us down, reviving the idea of quitting every second. It’s in moments like these that I appreciate the coach Taylor’s of the world. Those that push us harder and inspire us to continue to move forward, even when we can’t see where we are going. That voice that leads us to the end zone, and helps us realize that we can do more, be more, achieve more. That voice that will not accept a no for an answer, and will expect the best of us, no matter what.

We need those voices. We all need from time to time; a firm voice that will acknowledge the pain, the struggle, but in spite of that will inspire and push you to the end zone. Just when Brock says, “its hard”, coach Taylor responds, “I know its hard, but you can do it”. And louder and louder he shouted on, “Don’t quit, Don’t Quit, your very best!”.

The same I tell you today. Don’t Quit. I know its hard, I know you can’t see anything in the horizon, but trust the voice, even if it is your own, that tells you; Don’t quit! Don’t quit on your family, it might be hard, but you have to give your very best! Don’t quit on your passion, I know its frustrating some times, but you have to give your very best!, Don’t quit on your children; there are many disappointments, but they are full of potential and they deserve your very best. Don’t quit on your God, He is the ultimate voice that leads you to the end zone, that pushes you further, beyond your limits, because He knows you can do more.

You can be a coach Taylor to the Brock Kelley’s in your life. Or maybe you feel like Brock, and just want to give up. I know, I’ve been both. Just follow the voice, push hard. If you do I promise you one thing; You will get to the end zone and everyone, even yourself, will be amazed of what you will achieved.

So above all, DON’T QUIT!

Enjoy the clip!

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”
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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2014
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

¡No te Rindas!

Hay una escena de la película Facing the Giants (Enfrentando a los Gigantes), en la que el entrenador Grant Taylor le dice a Brock Kelley que haga el gateo mortal con un compañero del equipo en sus espaldas. El detalle es que tenía que hacerlo con los ojos vendados, y la única dirección que recibiría sería la voz del entrenador, no lo que sus ojos pudieran ver. Es una escena muy inspiradora. Representa la vida de muchas maneras, la tuya y la mía. Vamos por la vida muchas veces arrastrándonos, porque esa es la única manera en que podemos avanzar. Y también nos encontramos con los ojos vendados, gateando a ciegas con un peso excesivo sobre nosotros. Una combinación perfecta para rendirnos.

Todos hemos tenido esas temporadas en nuestras vidas. Momentos cuando lo cuestionamos todo. Momentos en que nuestra vista está nublada, está vendada y no tenemos ninguna dirección. Momentos en los que tenemos un exceso de peso sobre nuestras espaldas que nos empuja hacia abajo, contemplando a cada segundo la idea de rendirnos. En momentos como estos es cuando aprecio a los entrenadores Taylor del mundo. Aquellos que nos alientan y nos inspiran a seguir adelante, aun cuando no podemos ver hacia dónde vamos. Esa voz que nos dirige hacia la meta final, y nos ayuda a darnos cuenta de que podemos hacer más, ser más, lograr más. Esa voz que no aceptará un no por respuesta y que esperará lo mejor de nosotros, no importando las circunstancias.

Necesitamos esas voces. De vez en cuando todos necesitamos una voz firme que reconozca el dolor, la lucha, pero a pesar de ello, que nos inspire y nos aliente a llegar a la meta final. Justo cuando Brock dice, “es difícil,” el entrenador Taylor responde: “Sé que es difícil, pero puedes hacerlo.” Y gritando más y más fuerte dice, “No te rindas, No te rindas, tú puedes lograrlo!”

Lo mismo te digo hoy. No te rindas. Sé que es difícil, sé que no puedes ver nada en el horizonte, pero confía en la voz, aunque sea la tuya propia, que dice: ¡No te rindas! No renuncies a tu familia; puede ser difícil pero tienes que dar lo mejor de ti! No renuncies a tu pasión; sé que algunas veces podría ser frustrante pero tienes que dar lo mejor de ti. No renuncies a tus hijos; hay muchas decepciones pero tus hijos están llenos de potencial y merecen lo mejor de ti. No renuncies a tu Dios, Él es la voz principal que te llevará a la meta final, que te alentará a ir más lejos, más allá de tus límites, porque Él sabe que puedes hacer mucho más.

Tú podrías ser el entrenador Taylor para los Brock Kelley que hay en tu vida. O tal vez te sientas como un Brock que solo quiere darse por vencido. Lo sé, he sido ambas cosas. Sólo tienes que seguir la voz, esforzarte más. Si lo haces te prometo una cosa; llegarás a la meta y todos, incluso tú mismo, se sorprenderán de lo que habrás logrado.

Así que, por encima de todo, NO TE RINDAS!

¡Disfruta esta corta escena!

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2014
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A cure against wandering

Listening to the tunes of Agnus Dei and How Great is our God, I wonder of your majesty and love. You have made me yours, even when I wander through this world and ignore your promptings to my own peril.

In the moments where our soul is sober and clear, questions flow and are inevitable. How can we elevate our thoughts and soul to the stature of whom God wants us to be? How can we honor you with the life you have entrusted us? It is for us to look at my own life and ponder where we are. We should not live a life of the likes of chicken, meddling in the earth and always feeding from the ground, scared of everything and tossed around by even the most minuscule of provocations. We should be living a life of the eagles, soaring high and elevating our lives above the circumstances and hitting it’s target with precision. Why? Why is the pull of this earth so strong in the soul and mind?

I can’t conclude definitely what are the facts that contribute to this, but I know that in part is what we let our lives be fed by. We let distractions, well, distract us. Can this be changed? What do we have to do to make life more focused and significant? What are the pressures that need to be alleviate from our life so the “right” food feeds the soul and mind?

I ponder this myself. I should understand better what is it that makes me act and react the way I do. Why the wandering? Why the unfulfilling pursuits and self flagellating journeys? How can I, in the pursuit of happiness, ignore the inclinations of the world and have the right sight of The Most High? How do I shift from the “I” to the HIM? Can it be done? Can I conquer this fallen state of mind and life? Is there a way where the focus of life runs away from the present state and passing satisfactions to the future prize of eternal joy, rest and fulfillment?

HE is Holy. I am not. He is the Most High, not me. When this heart focuses on him and realizes what he has done for it, it melts and drops. The stance is of adoration and prostration. Can this life be lived with that inner stance everyday? Is it possible to fulfill His purpose in life?

God is faithful, We are not. But we want to be. Knowing that never once He has had left our side is comforting, convicting and humbling just because it has not be reciprocated. Shame is the word that best describes the sentiment. Shame of walking away from the path that was made for us at the cross. Shame is the feeling that comes from a life that has wandered many times over. We question; I question. Can you give us a new heart? Can you change the way we respond to life? Can you respond to us when we plea as David plead? Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.A pure heart, a steadfast spirit. – If I want something in this life is that. This is where I could dare to put my “I” first. A heart that kneels before the Creator and a spirit that longs nothing else but Him!

A pure heart and a steadfast spirit focussed only on that which HE wants. This is what I want in life. So I ask and pray, for a cure against wandering: A pure heart and a steadfast sprit. You should ask the same.


“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2014
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.