To move forward, you have to STOP

Life is formulated by dreams and you have a big one. Every time you think about it you get goosebumps. You have all of these plans in your heart and a smile comes to your face when you think about the possibilities. I personally think that’s a good thing.

And then things don’t go as planned. Interruptions, roadblocks and disappointments occur that seem to take the life out of you. It is frustrating, especially when you are a big dreamer. Ever wonder how to pass that point in life where you think you are at the max of your capacity? Its like if someone or something has put a limit or a lid on your life. You know, that moment when you feel stuck professionally and personally? Some in their 40’s and 50’s would refer to it as the midlife crisis, but those in the 20’s and 30’s would say its just depression, bad breaks or simply bad luck. Well, no matter how you might call it, it happens to all of us. We long for meaning, achievement and advancement and everything we do seems to tell us, “That’s it, you got you your capacity level”. Life seems to stop, pause and a sense of emptiness starts to overwhelm us. This is the moment when you might say to yourself, “you have to try harder,” or on the contrary, “face it, it’s not worth it”. I know, confusing conversations and even contradictory ones, that are looking for a reason why things didn’t worked out. These are the conversations you have with yourself in the car, the shower, the beach or the backyard. It is where you talk to God, (well sometimes you are just complaining to Him!) And you ask the question. Why?

I have learned by my own experiences that many of these feelings come from an exhausted body, mind and spirit and nothing more. You feel that you cannot go on, and at the same time you cannot stop. Exhaustion takes over, exhaustion is the boss of you.

So I would suggest to do one thing: Just STOP.

  • Stop what you are doing and take time to eat well, exercise and rest.
    • Many of our emotional and physical exhaustion comes from bad nutrition, poor exercise and little to no rest. We tend to treat a physical problem as a spiritual one when in reality we are so engulfed in “the project” or “the dream” that we neglect the most important ingredient of it; Our body. Take care of yourself, you’ll thank yourself later.
  • Take uninterrupted time to think where you are and where you want to be.
    • Our daily activities can overwhelm us and sometimes we forget why we are doing what we are doing in the first place. A refresher is always healthy for the soul and mind. It has the capacity to create new energy and drive. Quiet time to reflect where we are, those steps that worked and those that didn’t, is important to regroup and refocus. Time to write uninterrupted is a good exercise that will energize your soul and mind. Think frequently.
  • Open your heart and ears to new ideas and learn from them.
    • Sometimes our heart is in the right place but our strategy is not. We need fresh eyes and perspective to learn from those around us and probably to tweak a little our approach. Someone that brings new ideas to the table should always be welcomed. Maybe one word or concept can change everything. Open your heart always.
  • Pray and prepare yourself.
    • Prayer is crucial. After considering all things, pray and prepare. There is nothing more important than to ask for guidance and vision when you have a big dream. After all it will consume most part of your time and resources and it will affect everyone that is around you. Being certain that you are pursuing God’s dream for your life is the most important part of your life. You don’t want to find yourself at the end of your life acknowledging that you chased the wrong path. Look for new resources. Pray and prepare consistently.

Take time to consider this. You might just be exhausted. To move forward, you have to STOP. “BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2012

If you wait…

If we wait patiently on the Lord, he will:

  • Hear our cry (Psalms 40:1)
  • He will act on our behalf (Isaiah 64:4)
  • We will not be put to shame (Psalms 25:3)
  • We will renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31)
  • And we will ultimately be exalted (Psalms 37:34)

So it is good to wait upon the Lord…

*Excerpt from Walk in The Word by Dr. James MacDonald – The Benefits of Waiting

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

It’s time to move

by DP

Whether the cloud stayed above the Tabernacle for two days, a month, or a year, the people of Israel stayed in camp and did not move on. But as soon as it lifted, they broke camp and moved on. – Numbers 9:22

This is a description of what the life of the people of Israel was while they were in the desert; forty years in the wilderness. They had to be constantly available, and they knew the time would come when they had to move. Can you imagine to set up camp in the morning or evening and then twelve hours later having to pack everything again and continue, not to mention that they were about three million people in motion. Just the thought of it is overwhelming.

In our senses one might think, why did God do that? Why did he made them camp only to make them move the next morning? The history reveals that the people of Israel were prone to waver and doubt, and yet God was leading them from place to place. History tells us that they camped in over forty places during the years that they were in the desert. And it is precisely here where occasionally we get confused more and sometimes we’re not sure what to do in our own lives.

But something is always clear. The seasons in our life are constantly changing and as a result many areas of your life will also change. It could be your workplace, where you live, the people with whom you interact, the country where you reside and even the initiatives you serve in. But one thing should never change, our clear and unequivocally dependence on the direction of God.

As the people of Israel, moved when the cloud moved, this should be a lesson and a practice for us. We should not run away at the slightest problem, we should not change when it is convenient for us. We must have perseverance, determination and responsibility. But we must also have sensitivity to the seasons in our lives and our hearts attentive to the directions of God.

Because just as the people of Israel experienced many times, it is possible that this time, it’s time to move.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

One more battle

by DP

“So give me the hill country that the Lord promised me. You will remember that as scouts we found the descendants of Anak living there in great, walled towns. But if the Lord is with me, I will drive them out of the land, just as the Lord said.” So Joshua blessed Caleb son of Jephunneh and gave Hebron to him as his portion of land. Joshua 14:12-13

It took 45 years for him to receive his promised land, and God made good on his promise. It is so amazing to see that a man at his eighty-five years, when the time seemed to be a time of rest and a time of slowing down, he chose to fight a last battle; he chose to conquer and drive the descendents of Anak out of their own land. And these where not usual people.

Can you imagine, this man at his eighty-five years of age, entering the land and ordering them to leave. What went through their minds? They might have said, “Who is this little old man? Who does he think he is? Let’s just crush him and show him who we are.” The peculiar characteristic of these inhabitants of Hebron, was their might and their height; they were giants. But this was not new to Caleb, because forty-five years earlier his report back to Moses and the people of Israel was, “they are bread for us, do not fear.” That spirit was still in Caleb, the spirit of a conqueror, a dreamer and a giant defeater. That day he had seen what he wanted.

It may take years of work and preparation but the promise God has made to you, will come to pass. Probably you thought of a different timeframe, but it will come at the precise moment that it will be needed. Caleb, waited for many years and in order to live his dream he fought another battle. And the story says that the land rested from war, because what God gives, brings peace. So time had passed and the reward season was up. He walked in the land of giants, and when you walk among giants, your life will never be the same.

Stand up, another battle might still be ahead. But be of good cheer, because if God promised it, it will come to pass, and there will be no might, height, wall or threat that will keep you from your promise. So when the fight is over and the dust settles your name will be known to have lived in the land of the giants. And it will only take, one more battle.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

I will restore the years

by DP

And I will restore or replace for you the years that the locust has eaten–the hopping locust, the stripping locust, and the crawling locust, My great army which I sent among you.” Joel 2:25 AMP

What a breathtaking thought! The mere possibility inspires me. The possibility to restore what has already been! You mean that I will make up, relive those years? You mean that there is a way to redo my life? A way to amend those relationships, those moments that marked my life in a way I did not desire?

Years that were taken by the ignorance, the unawareness of the times that were being lived. The time that was supposed to propel you into new heights, new levels, and now you feel stuck in the midst of your life. The most persisting thought that comes to heart is the sense of the years. That feeling that nothing can be done, because your time has passed. That paralyzing thought that controls you. The feeling of powerlessness, the silent voice saying, “I cant do anything, the years have passed and I have made many, many mistakes. Mistakes that have affected not only me, but those that are close to me too”.

But then, I read this verse in the book of Joel. “I will restore the years…” Wow!. What an amazing God we serve, that knows how we will be accusing ourselves. Not seeing how He sees us. We stop at the thought that “If I did it, I cant do anything about it” and we don’t give the fight. But you can. I am not ignoring the fact that consequences will follow our actions, be good or bad, but what I am saying is that in spite of those consequences, God can restore your years, He can restore your relationships, he can restore your marriage, he can restore your dignity, he can restore your family, and make up for the mistakes and decisions your have made, if you truly follow and obey him.

What a wonderful thought, and more importantly what a wonderful promise!, I will restore for you the years…

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2010

A small task but a big story

by DP

“Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:9

What were you called to do? Does it has to be a big thing? Sometimes we ignore we are called to do a small things. Like the boy that was called to carry five small barley loaves and two small fish into a crowd of 5,000. How did his day start? What prompted him to carry the bread and the fish? Was this the result of a normal day of fishing. did he traded that day a couple of fish to have some bread. We don’t know, all we can do is speculate. But that day, unequivocally started as a normal day, and surely many saw this child during the day and since in those days, women and children were not regarded as equals to men, he could have been shouted at and even pushed around. Who knows, probably he started the day with many more fish and many more loaves of bread and could have been depraved of some. Or he was even angry because he had to so this chore instead of playing with his friends. The fact is that he was in charge of this cargo.

And at his short age, he would perform the purpose he was called to do in this world. His act of carrying those fish and loaves of bread, not only fed a multitude of 5,000 men, which indeed was bigger if we count the children and women, but was the catalyst for the good news of this man named Jesus that would change the history of mankind, to spread to neighboring cities. His cargo had been multiplied and feed a crowd he never thought possible. His life would never be the same.

Stories like Esther, an orphan who became a queen. Or Saul, who went looking for donkeys and came back a King. David went to feed his brothers and killed a giant. Rahab a harlot who saved two spies and became part of Jesus genealogy. The maid that told Naman to look for the prophet that could heal his leprosy, or the stable master who took care of the donkey making sure nobody rode on it and didn’t know why. The same donkey Jesus used to make his triumphal entrance to Jerusalem. Or the four men that carried a friend through a roof so that he could be healed. Like four men transforming junk into bracelets that will bring hope and create jobs in Haiti. These represent small tasks that but are part of a big story.

Similar to them is our life. We long to do what we consider are big assignments. We want to lead, to teach, preach, coach, conquer and overcome. We don’t like to clean, carry, counsel, paint or even listen. We think that these are not assignments that will fulfill our purpose. And maybe they won’t. But what if that small task is the precise one God will use to transform, not only your life, but that of millions? What if making someone laugh with your comedy will heal their wounds and change their destiny or helping someone retire with dignity will impact more than you know? What if creating comfortable spaces you call home will be the correct surroundings needed to heal families and mend cities? What if by teaching the underprivileged, your are changing a nation, mentoring the next Martin Luther King, Billy Graham or Mother Theresa?

The list could go on and on. But the point is, no matter if you carry only two small fishes and five small barley loaves of bread; never despise the small beginnings, it might seem like a small task, but it will be part of a big story.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

Will you amaze God?

“Faith is the only thing that amazes God” – DP

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel.” Luke 7:9

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

Don’t take your promise to a dry place

by DP

Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Harran, they settled there. Genesis 11:31 NIV

The story reveals a significant fact of the family of Abram. It was not foreign to him to be moving from place to place. Here we see that after the death of one of his sons, Terah, decided to move to a better place, Canaan. But along the way there he stopped at Harran and settled and died there. He never saw Canaan. History says that Haran was a place of trade, a midpoint to Canaan, and had an apparent prosperous life but it’s name means very dry, grievous and wasted years.

It is also important to say that Terah means delay, wandering. So while he was headed to Canaan he wandered and settled in Harran. Delay is the companion of wandering. Delay is the companion of wasted years. Delay always wanders to dry places.

You might also be in a similar situation. You headed out to the right place but wandered and settled in another. You headed to become a professional but settled for a smaller calling. You were headed to another city but stayed at the place of comfort. You were headed to a wonderful life in marriage, but settled for less. All to be seen years after, as wasted and wandered years. An apparent prosperous place, but in reality a dry and grievous one.

Don’t let delay dictate your steps. Don’t let apparent comfort, stir you away from your calling. Delay will carry your promise to a place of dryness and years of toil. Delay will blur your vision of the great destiny your life has. The story repeats itself, every one that settled at Harran, toiled and suffered years of delay, wandering in an apparent place of prosperity but in reality they were in a very dry place. Terah took the promise to a dry place. Abram and Sarai were the promise for the world and it could not flourish in a dry place.

Walk to your calling, don’t stop in Harran. Don’t settle in comfort, idleness and in unproductive places. Your promise is big and Canaan is waiting for you. If the vision for your life is clear why wander in places that will delay the promise of God for you? Your promise will come forth, and your life and world will be better for it.

Don’t take your promise to a dry place.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”