Don’t Quit!

There’s a scene from the movie Facing the Giants, in which coach Grant Taylor tells Brock Kelley to do the death crawl with a teammate on his back. The kicker is that he had to do it blindfolded, and the only direction he would received was the voice of the coach, not the sight of his eyes. It is a very inspiring scene. It represents life in many ways, yours and mine. We go through life many times crawling, because that’s the only way we can advance. And we also we find ourselves crawling blindfolded with extra weight over us. A perfect combination for a quitter.

We have all had these seasons in our lives. Moments that make us question everything. Times when our sight is clouded, blindfolded, and we have no direction whatsoever. Times in which we have an extra weight on our backs that pushes us down, reviving the idea of quitting every second. It’s in moments like these that I appreciate the coach Taylor’s of the world. Those that push us harder and inspire us to continue to move forward, even when we can’t see where we are going. That voice that leads us to the end zone, and helps us realize that we can do more, be more, achieve more. That voice that will not accept a no for an answer, and will expect the best of us, no matter what.

We need those voices. We all need from time to time; a firm voice that will acknowledge the pain, the struggle, but in spite of that will inspire and push you to the end zone. Just when Brock says, “its hard”, coach Taylor responds, “I know its hard, but you can do it”. And louder and louder he shouted on, “Don’t quit, Don’t Quit, your very best!”.

The same I tell you today. Don’t Quit. I know its hard, I know you can’t see anything in the horizon, but trust the voice, even if it is your own, that tells you; Don’t quit! Don’t quit on your family, it might be hard, but you have to give your very best! Don’t quit on your passion, I know its frustrating some times, but you have to give your very best!, Don’t quit on your children; there are many disappointments, but they are full of potential and they deserve your very best. Don’t quit on your God, He is the ultimate voice that leads you to the end zone, that pushes you further, beyond your limits, because He knows you can do more.

You can be a coach Taylor to the Brock Kelley’s in your life. Or maybe you feel like Brock, and just want to give up. I know, I’ve been both. Just follow the voice, push hard. If you do I promise you one thing; You will get to the end zone and everyone, even yourself, will be amazed of what you will achieved.

So above all, DON’T QUIT!

Enjoy the clip!

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”
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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2014
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

A cure against wandering

Listening to the tunes of Agnus Dei and How Great is our God, I wonder of your majesty and love. You have made me yours, even when I wander through this world and ignore your promptings to my own peril.

In the moments where our soul is sober and clear, questions flow and are inevitable. How can we elevate our thoughts and soul to the stature of whom God wants us to be? How can we honor you with the life you have entrusted us? It is for us to look at my own life and ponder where we are. We should not live a life of the likes of chicken, meddling in the earth and always feeding from the ground, scared of everything and tossed around by even the most minuscule of provocations. We should be living a life of the eagles, soaring high and elevating our lives above the circumstances and hitting it’s target with precision. Why? Why is the pull of this earth so strong in the soul and mind?

I can’t conclude definitely what are the facts that contribute to this, but I know that in part is what we let our lives be fed by. We let distractions, well, distract us. Can this be changed? What do we have to do to make life more focused and significant? What are the pressures that need to be alleviate from our life so the “right” food feeds the soul and mind?

I ponder this myself. I should understand better what is it that makes me act and react the way I do. Why the wandering? Why the unfulfilling pursuits and self flagellating journeys? How can I, in the pursuit of happiness, ignore the inclinations of the world and have the right sight of The Most High? How do I shift from the “I” to the HIM? Can it be done? Can I conquer this fallen state of mind and life? Is there a way where the focus of life runs away from the present state and passing satisfactions to the future prize of eternal joy, rest and fulfillment?

HE is Holy. I am not. He is the Most High, not me. When this heart focuses on him and realizes what he has done for it, it melts and drops. The stance is of adoration and prostration. Can this life be lived with that inner stance everyday? Is it possible to fulfill His purpose in life?

God is faithful, We are not. But we want to be. Knowing that never once He has had left our side is comforting, convicting and humbling just because it has not be reciprocated. Shame is the word that best describes the sentiment. Shame of walking away from the path that was made for us at the cross. Shame is the feeling that comes from a life that has wandered many times over. We question; I question. Can you give us a new heart? Can you change the way we respond to life? Can you respond to us when we plea as David plead? Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.A pure heart, a steadfast spirit. – If I want something in this life is that. This is where I could dare to put my “I” first. A heart that kneels before the Creator and a spirit that longs nothing else but Him!

A pure heart and a steadfast spirit focussed only on that which HE wants. This is what I want in life. So I ask and pray, for a cure against wandering: A pure heart and a steadfast sprit. You should ask the same.


“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2014
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Band of brothers

I can just imagine the dialogue between them. One said to the other, “Hey what if he can help?” “You think he could?” The other responded. “I hear that he does it all the time, it’s natural to him.” He replied. “Well, let’s do it. Call the others.” Four men that showed the world the power of friendship. Four men that would risk their own reputations and social standing in order to help their buddy. Each took one corner of the mat where their friend was, and lifted it because he was paralyzed.

When they got there, a huge crowd separated them from the miracle. There was no way through. One said to the others, “Now what? It’s impossible to go through.” One replied, “Yes, it’s impossible to go through, but not impossible to go over.” Wow! Everyone needs friends like these. There is no question of their commitment and faithfulness. There is no question that the interest of others came first.

What about you?

Will you stand still and submit to the circumstances and the obstacles or will you go beyond your duty? Which friend are you? The one that sees what needs to be done and does it, or will you close your heart and hands in the cold name of convenience? Real friends walk two, three, four miles and more to see the miracle happen. They don’t need to do it, but they want to.

Which corner will you lift? What role will you play? How strong will you lift? Are you deterred by the seemingly impossible in front of you? Do you say, in any event, I did what I could why push it further? Why go through so much inconvenience? Why bother?

Books, and stories that are worth saying and emulating are not written of those that stood still and did nothing or just did what conveniently came their way. The stories that stir our hearts and move us to actions are those in which we see those who were daring enough to break the norm. The stories of those that decided to be bold in a world of mediocrity. History remembers the deeds of those that decide that good is not good enough, but being great is a way of life.

We do not know the name of these four men that carried their friend to the presence of Jesus. Yet a story was written of what they did. This tells us that our name is not as important as what we do. They carried someone to their miracle without prevention or asking for attention to themselves. Let us do the same.

What story are you writing? Which corner are you lifting? Who are you carrying to their destiny? What are you doing for others that they cannot do for themselves? You and I can be part of a select few if choose to do so. A band of brothers that will change the world. Let’s do it!

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2013
Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide

There’s something about nothing


It was a physically draining pain. Her body was aching and her spirit was tired. Twelve years had past already and there was no sign of anything getting any better. To top it off, there was no more money left, it was all gone. There was no doctor that could help her, and since she was now broke, the desperation grew bigger and bigger while her hopes dwindled down even further. Her physical condition meant that she was ceremonially unclean in her culture. To better say it, she was an outcast because of her illness and it made no difference to the religious leaders, whether she’d had financial resources or not.

Who knows what she was thinking. In her last attempt to get healed she would do whatever was necessary, even public ridicule. At this point there was no other option. There was nothing more left. And as her frail body and even more broken spirit made her way to the road, she gasped when she saw the multitude. “How will I get to Him?” she said to herself. But in that same moment of an apparent disillusion, an even greater hope emerged in her spirit. A determined woman with an unexplainable faith made her way through the crowd. For she thought to herself, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.”

And as she was shoved back by those in front of her, determination grew in her soul. As the path continued to narrow in front of her eyes, faith created a highway for her to cruise. She was not deterred by what she saw or felt, the promise of a healed body and for the same means, a healed soul was bigger than the obstacles in front. Her condition was nothingness but she was walking towards the One who fills everything.

The women in the story not only got healed instantly, but Jesus himself felt it. It was that evident that he stopped and asked, “Who had touched him?”, virtue had come out of him. When your faith is in the right place and you’re down to your last effort or your last cent, there is something about nothing that moves the hand of God. You might be facing a similar circumstance. A broken body, a financial disaster, a disrupted relationship or even shattered dreams. What you see in front of you is just closed doors and many obstacles that even those that are around you are telling you, stop and take another route. They have lost hope in the name of reality. But just as this woman faced the unavoidable obstacles in from of her, you can do the same. When reality tells you, “those doors are closed, there is a wall in front”, faith screams, “I will open doors or make them if I need to.”

Regain a new hope, walk towards that which seems impenetrable. The One that has the virtue to change everything is waiting. You might hear those same words this woman received, “…your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.”

Remember, there is something about nothing, that moves the hand of God.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2013

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Let your feelings catch up later

Have you ever had one of those days? The ones that start with a “no” and even when it has not ended yet, you think that it will end the same way? They are very interesting days to say the least. I had one not so long ago, and those that know me well, know that the word “No,” does not resonate well with me.

Every time I am confronted with this I react in a many ways, the most persistent one is me being more resolved, sometimes a synonym in my language, to be more stubborn. What drives this in me? Why do I react this way? Often times I get confused when any opposing situation comes my way. How should I react? What should I say? Should I try harder or let it go? Should I take a different route or state my case more vigorously? What do you do when your daughter or son gets home and says, “I didn’t make the team,” or “I failed the test I studied so hard for”. Or your spouse comes and tells you, “the banker said, that our application was denied”. Day’s, weeks, months or even years of No’s, can definitely become very unsettling and discouraging.

Recently I read a phrase that said: “Trust God completely and let your feelings catch up later”. This is so true. We tend to react on the basis of what we feel and comprehend with our natural senses. That’s the way God created us so we could perceive the world around us. But Paul tells us in the letter to the corinthians a new paradigm; walk by faith and not by sight; believing not by seeing is the key. It’s hard sometimes, because we have conditioned ourselves to regard as true only those things we can prove, see or touch. We often sustain these arguments by statements, like “I have to be a good steward,” “it is a good example to be an example”, and many more. And yes, these statements are true and I don’t mean or imply to minimize the importance of them, all the contrary, but what I am saying is that we should have the kind of faith that amazes God. Wholehearted faith in God’s word for us.

Every promise, every word, every direction his word gives us is true, dependable and strong, regardless of where we are or what we are facing. I know, I have no idea what you are going through, and it’s true, no one can process the events in your life the same way you do. But what I can say is that I have experienced the days, the weeks the months and even the years of “No’s” in my life. And it is in those moments that the only sustainable, dependable place for me and my family has been God’s word and promises.

Call me childish or even ignorant if you will, but we have decided to have the kind of faith that would amaze even God. Believing in those things we cannot see and trusting that everything that has been created, even our own senses, will catch up later. I encourage you to do the same. It’s ok to acknowledge that you are not there yet. But get up and admit it to Him and ask in prayer for greater faith, that’s the first step to greatness.

His promises are true, His word is real so we have decide to walk by faith and let our feelings catch up later. You can do the same.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2012
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

To plan or not to plan?

While running some errands, I was listening to a radio station of a religious nature. It wasn’t very appealing or interesting, but just out of curiosity I continued to listen to get a grasp of what the point would be in the message, maybe something good could come out of it. I also listened from the perspective of someone that had no knowledge of the Scriptures. After ten minutes I stopped listening, because all of his message was just filled with, and it is not intended to cause any disrespect, but it was “christian language”, and had no point at all. I mean, I know he meant well but there was no message. Someone listening for the first time and was trying to get any knowledge of who Jesus is, would have finished even more confused. But the point that struck me more than anything else was the lack of structure and therefore the lack of planning from the presenter. It was that obvious.

While I was still driving I questioned myself: Should we as disciples and followers of Jesus, make any plans or just rely on our spiritual instincts? I was thinking of the example that I had just experienced. The presenter was definitely trying to use his head knowledge but had not defined pattern of what he was presenting. Examples in the Bible started to come to me. Each and every one expresses a God that is a master planner. Planning is his specialty, to plan is not only needed but it is required. I would go further and state that it is demanded. Albert Einstein said it well, “I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.” in other words, He does not leave anything to chance or to randomness. He’s a master planner. And you can see it in everything created.

Some think that to plan is to show lack of faith. I would say that planning is showing your faith in action. Relying on your plans alone is another issue altogether. The first one is a complete act of trust in God and the latter is a complete trust in yourself. Not planning says to the world, “everything is random there is no logic nor purpose in what I do” and I would dare to say that it is a praise to mediocrity. To plan is to walk in the nature that God himself created us to be, because we were created in his image.

The creativity and the gifts you and I have been given, are not to be taken lightly. It would be easy to just let things happen, but that would be a waste of time, and talent. But if we acknowledge that God created us for excellence, we should be the example for the world to see. In our finances, our studies, our work and our home. We should be recognized as those that plan ahead and trust in a Master Planner that shows his love and mercy. From the moment his precious creation fell, he started planing his redemption through the sacrifice of his son Jesus. What a great plan!

To plan or not to plan? That is not the question. Why would you not plan?, would be a better one.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2012
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

What a ride!

Today marks the date when we decided to put action to our faith, legs to our dreams. We instilled life to what was being birthed inside our hearts. Exactly one year we embarked into this new adventure of a complete relocation. It just seems like it happened yesterday, and yet a year has passed. I remember how I felt. A new home, a new church, a new everything. Adrenaline was the fuel that kept me going every day, or so I thought. It’s been a year where everything was on the line. A year where every breath we took, was taken with profound expectation. The expectation that the next moment would be better, greater and bigger. This has been a year where our confidence in the ONE that called us to be HIS, has grown in ways unimaginably to our natural minds. It has been a year where our actions have been bold, moving out of our comfort zones like we never thought.

It all started with a promise and a sense of urgency. A promise of better possibilities for those that we love the most, our son and our daughter. It started 5 years before, when Alex was nine and Amy was eight. We understood that even when we’ve had success in our professional lives, our real success is enjoyed when it is seen in our home. For us, success is a life full of God’s grace and mercy. A life that exudes HIS goodness and that delves into his wisdom. A sense of urgency that time is precious and our children cannot be gambled with.

Time and space will not be enough to pen down all that has happened this year. Even when I almost lost my life in the process, I can say without a doubt that HE has been with us every step. We have not walked alone. Has it been worth it? You bet. He has been faithful even when we haven’t. Matt Redman wrote a song called “Never Once”, that I heard when we moved. It describes how I felt and how I feel today, not because of what has happened this year, but because it is a reminder that on every step we have ever taken, even when those steps have lead us to dark places, HE has been there always. The same is true for you today.

So if you think you are alone, think again. He has been there every step, even when you are going through turmoil and uncertainty. Don’t be afraid, just take the next step, HE is there with you.

As for me, when I look back I wouldn’t change anything. God is faithful. It’s been a great year, and it is just the beginning, all I can say is, “What a ride!”.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldoando, 2012

Faith is movement

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1

In the eleventh chapter of the book of Hebrews, we see a myriad of examples of faith that are set forth for our inspiration. Each and every one of them expressed their faith not only terms of an emotion or a philosophy, but it was also expressed by an action.

Abel by faith brought a more acceptable offering to God. Noah, built the ark to save his family from the flood, preaching about something that had never happened before. Abraham by faith left his land to a place he did not knew and it was also by faith that he offered his son as a sacrifice. By faith Isaac promised blessings to his sons. By faith Moses parents hid him for three months, and when he grew up he liberated the children of Israel from slavery. By faith the people of Israel marched across the Red Sea and also around Jericho until the walls came falling down. By faith, Rahab hid the spies so her life was spared and became part of the genealogy of Jesus.

On thing is certain, faith without works is dead, so action needs to happen. It is not enough to sit around and talk about what you would like to do. Unless you take action, it is just wishful thinking. You might be hiding behind the curtain of inaction, rationalizing that you are being careful and calculated. There is certainly a space and a time for that. But God did not send his only Son to this earth to be safe. He came to be dangerous and died on the cross for you and for me. He did this, knowing that by faith you and I would be saved, can you see it?, He had to act on our behalf.

Faith is action. Faith is becoming vulnerable. Faith is walking even when we don’t have it all figured out. Faith is moving ahead even when you can’t see a clear path. Faith is sometimes the opposite of reason. I agree, faith is dangerous. But we are called to walk where we have never walked before. To act in obedience even when everyone else thinks we are out of our minds. Faith is being bold and not holding anything back. Faith is moving to become all that God wants us to become. Faith is looking to the future even when our circumstances blur our vision, and believing that what He has promised will come to pass. Martin Luther King Jr. said it this way: “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase”.

Faith is trusting that God has a better plan for us and moving in obedience. Faith is movement.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2012
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.