
The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. – Lamentations 3:22-23

Beginnings: It means different things to different people. For some, it is the reluctant reality that they need to accept after a failed event in their life. It is not necessarily embraced or welcomed. Not because what it represents, but by how it presents itself. Like the soul that is devastated by a divorce and needs to find strength to pick up the pieces of his or her life as it was known. Or the companion that has left this life on earth and has skipped into eternity leaving an empty space in the hearts of love ones; or the job or the business that is no more. All of these are endings and many of them very painful. So an ending is a beginning in disguise. Beginnings usually come after an ending.

For others, beginnings transpire as the emotion of hope, of the possibilities, of what could be. For these, endings are embraced, welcomed and expected, because a beginning is in sight. Two opposite points of view, but with the same ending; to begin.

It is a thought that can transform your life completely, if you choose. You might be at either side of the coin in your viewpoint, but the fact remains that something in your life has ceased to be, something has ended and something new must take its place and fill the void. These are the curves that life brings and we must know how to handle them in order to continue to thrive, to live and to begin again. And we are confronted with our human fragility and believe that the end is just that, the end. We think that there is no future, no hope no new things in our life will ever happen and that there is no point of knocking on the same door of unfulfilled dreams over and over again. But God who is rich in mercy knew and knows how we are prone to go astray of his ways and from our path. So He is constant. His love never ends, even when ours does. His mercy never ceases even when judgement is warranted. And then we read this refreshing truth that brings hope for the future in our lives, his mercies are fresh every morning. Every day a new beginning, no matter what has happened before, that in itself is a transformational thought. And who better to talk about beginnings, but God himself: He is the Beginning and the End. He started everything from nothing and he has created you and me in his likeness.

If something has ended in your life, a relationship, a job, a business, a loved one’s life or even the desire to continue to press on, remember that God is the God of beginnings and his plans and thoughts for you are plans for good. So no matter what is going on now in your life, this ending is a moment for a great start, for a great beginning. His mercies are new and fresh every day.

A new and blank page is waiting for you, so go ahead and write the new chapter of your life, starting today. You might want to call it: To begin.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2011
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


por DP

¡El fiel amor del Señor nunca se acaba! Sus misericordias jamás terminan. Grande es su fidelidad; sus misericordias son nuevas cada mañana. – Lamentaciones 3:22-23

Comienzos: significa diferentes cosas para diferentes personas. Para algunos, es la realidad que renuentemente necesitan aceptar después de un evento fallido en la vida. No necesariamente es aceptada o bienvenida. No porque lo que representa, sino por la forma en que se presenta. Como el alma que es devastada por un divorcio y tiene que encontrar la fuerza para recoger las piezas de su vida como era conocida. O el compañero que ha dejado esta vida en la tierra y ha saltado a la eternidad dejando un espacio vacío en el corazón de seres queridos, o el trabajo o el negocio que ya no existe. Todos estos son finales y muchos de ellos muy dolorosos. Así que un final es un comienzo disfrazado. Los inicios suelen venir después de un final.

Para otros, los comienzos transpiran la emoción de esperanza, de posibilidades, lo que pudiera ser. Para estos, los finales son aceptados, bienvenidos y esperados, porque un comienzo se divisa. Dos puntos de vista opuestos, pero con el mismo final, el comenzar.

Es un pensamiento que puede transformar tu vida por completo, si lo deseas. Podrías estar en cualquier lado de la moneda en cuanto a tu punto de vista, pero la realidad es que algo en tu vida ha dejado de ser, algo ha terminado y algo nuevo debe ocupar su lugar y llenar el vacío. Estas son las curvas que trae la vida y tenemos que saber cómo manejarlas con el fin de continuar creciendo, viviendo y comenzar de nuevo. Nos enfrentamos con nuestra fragilidad humana y creemos que el final es sólo eso, el final. Pensamos que no hay futuro, ni esperanza, y que ninguna cosa nueva en nuestra vida va a ocurrir jamás y que no hay ningún punto en tocar la misma puerta de sueños incumplidos una y otra vez. Pero Dios que es rico en misericordia, sabía y sabe que somos propensos a desviarnos de su camino y de nuestra trayectoria. Así que Él es constante. Su amor nunca termina incluso cuando el nuestro finaliza. Su misericordia no cesa aun cuando el juicio está justificado. Y luego leemos esta verdad refrescante que trae esperanza para el futuro en nuestras vidas; sus misericordias son nuevas cada mañana. Cada día un nuevo comienzo, no importa lo que ha sucedido antes; eso de por sí es un pensamiento transformador. ¿Y quién mejor para hablar de comienzos, sino Dios mismo: Él es el principio y el fin. Él comenzó todo de la nada y te ha creado a ti y a mí a su imagen.

Si algo ha terminado en tu vida, una relación, un trabajo, un negocio, la vida de un ser querido o incluso la voluntad de continuar hacia adelante, recuerda que Dios es el Dios de los comienzos y sus planes y pensamientos para ti son planes de bienestar . Así que no importa lo que esté sucediendo actualmente en tu vida, este final es un momento para empezar bien, un momento para un gran comienzo. Sus misericordias son nuevas y frescas cada día.

Una nueva página en blanco está esperando por ti, así que adelante, escribe el nuevo capítulo de tu vida comenzando hoy. Es posible que desees llamarlo: Comienzos.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2011
Las citas bíblicas son tomadas de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, derechos de autor © 1996, 2004, 2007 por Tyndale House Foundation. Usado con permiso de Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Todos los derechos reservados.

His words never fail

by DP

“For no word from God will ever fail.” Luke 1:37

This day is filled with meaning for many; for some joy and for others not. Life happens to all of us. It is very interesting that on the months leading to this day we celebrate, a young girl, a teenage girl, had not only a visitation of an angel but was confronted with her new reality; she was going to be a mom. I can only imagine how many thoughts went through her mind. What will everyone think? How would she be treated by her family? We can only imagine and probably guess what happened and how she felt. She could have been confused. And as that confusion took place, it was eased by the words of the angel when he said: “For no word from God will ever fail.”

We have the benefit of some hindsight today. We all know how the story unfolded. But Mary, and then Joseph, did not have that vantage. They had to endure life and rely every step on a word given to each of them separately, a word that they were the only ones who witnessed it. The words said to Mary on Luke 1:37 (TNIV), are a clear message for us today. That no matter how grim or difficult your place in life is today, no word from God will ever fail. And when I whisper these words to my soul, I feel that there is hope for me and for you. God made it clear, by giving these words to Mary, that we never forget his promises.

When everything else fails, or seems failing before our eyes, he doesn’t. Knowing this, brightens my day immediately. And it is palpable to know that Jesus himself is called The Word. His mere essence is truth and unmovable reliance of what he says He is and or will do. There are not many in this world you can say, that will always uphold their promises. Even the most noble and respectable people we know, have failed us. So how marvelous it is to know, He will not.

In spite of your personal circumstances, your feelings and above what anyone else says. He will not fail you, ever. His proof comes in the manner of a child, born in a manger that years later would change the destiny of this earth with his life. He would walk on water, heal the sick, defend the poor, resuscitate the dead, defeat sin, death and fear, and will always love you and me, unconditionally.

So on this holiday season and in every season, remember that …, no word from God will ever fail.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, TODAY’S NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 2001, 2005 by Biblica®. Used by permission of Biblica®. All rights reserved worldwide.

A review

by DP

This has been a year of many changes. A year that has challenged many, myself included. I have also been privileged to see many of these transformations first hand; lives stretched, inspired and changed. And by having the unmerited opportunity to witness many of them, I experienced some transformation myself. I have had the incredible opportunity to inspire and challenge many talented individuals. Men and women that have empire mindsets within themselves and yet have to discover the depth and extent of them. I have seen the immeasurable works of God in their lives; for that I’m thankful.

Like my friend and his entire family that stepped up to the plate and filled the gap for children’s in need, changing the future for many. Or an unassuming individual that has elevated his life to one that inspires many with his example of humbleness and the amazing favor of God over him; an invisible leader. The couple that has dreamt of changing those that have nothing and lift their standard of living, transforming trash into treasure. And how can you measure witnessing a giant awakened and unleashed in a couple that is changing the way church is done and reaping innumerable changed lives? I have also seen the birth of many dreams and the impact of uplifting words in the life of countless individuals. What about the mother that stayed home to nurture and dedicate herself to her family and is transforming her talent into her calling; a life changing performance. And many countless more that could fill pages upon pages of real life -everyday individuals- inspiration. This reminds me about Psalm 8:5. “Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor.”, in it the psalmist is referring to mankind. In the passage, the term God is referred as Elohim in the hebrew, which means the unalculated power of the trinity of God. These individuals have tapped, if just a tad, at what God has deposited in them; and from where I have been watching, the future looks is incredibly bright.

This has been a rare opportunity that I have been given. This has also been a rare year; in a good way. I have seen this transformation in my wife, my son and my daughter. For this and for more I thank all of you that had giving me the honor to be part of your lives. But be certain that the one that has been transformed and changed the most, has been me, and for that I praise God.

This is just the beginning. With every “Canlet” made, for every child sponsored, for every youngster awaken, for every leader inspired, for every horizon opened for others, for every soul saved, for every ornament made, and for many more things that escape my mind or my imagination, these individuals are making a dent in the universe, and so can you. It is not to late, it’s actually the right time for you to stand up for what you believe and act. Remember Paul’s words “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”

These men and women have all been “Dreamspired, and for that I tip my hat to them, they are all amazing and so are you. God has deposited in your DNA, seeds of greatness and it is your duty to unleash them. So BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE boldly. I finish by saying, the words in Philippians that are true for all of us: “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”. See you at the top.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Un repaso

by DP

Este ha sido un año de muchos cambios. Un año que ha retado a muchos, y me incluyo. He tenido también el privilegio de ver muchas de esas transformaciones de primera mano; vidas retadas, inspiradas y cambiadas. Y al tener esa inmerecida oportunidad de ser testigo, he experimentado transformación también. He tenido la increíble oportunidad de inspirar y retar a muchos individuos talentosos. Hombres y mujeres que tienen mentalidades de imperio dentro de sí, y aun necesitan descubrir la profundas y la extensión de ellos. He visto las obras inmensurables de Dios en sus vidas; y por eso estoy agradecido.

Como mi amigo y su familia completa, que se alistó y llenó la brecha para niños en necesidad, cambiando el futuro de muchos. O el individuo sin pretensión que ha elevado su vida a ña que inspira a muchos con su ejemplo de humildad y del favor de Dios sobre el; un líder invisible. La pareja que soñó el cambiar la vida de aquellos que no tenían nada, elevando su estándar de vida, transformando basura en tesoros. ¿Como podría uno medirse ser testigo del despertar y el soltar de un gigante en una pareja que está cambiando la manera que se hace iglesia y a la vez cosechando innumerables vidas cambiadas? He visto además el nacimiento de muchos sueños y el impacto de palabras edificantes y alentadoras en la vida de muchos. Y que de la madre que decidió quedarse en casa para nutrir y dedicarse a su familia y transformar su talento en su llamado; un desempeño que cambia vidas. Y muchas incontables más que podrían llenar páginas y páginas de historias e inspiración de personas de la vida real y de todos los días. Esto me recuerda el Salmo 8:5. “Sin embargo, los hiciste un poco menor que Dios y los coronaste de gloria y honor.”, en el que el salmista se refiere a la humanidad. En el pasaje, la palabra de Dios se conoce como Elohim en el hebreo, que significa el poder incalculado de la trinidad de Dios. Estas personas han descubierto, apenas un poco, lo que Dios ha depositado en ellos, y de donde he estado observando, el futuro es increíblemente brillante.

Esta ha sido una oportunidad única que se me ha dado. Éste también ha sido un año raro, en el buen sentido. He visto esta transformación en mi esposa, mi hijo y mi hija. Por esto y por más tengo agradecer a todos los que me han dado el honor de ser parte de sus vidas. Sin embargo, pueden estar seguros de que el que se ha transformado y cambiado más, he sido yo, y por eso alabo a Dios.

Esto es sólo el principio. Con cada “Canlet” hecho, por cada niño apadrinado, para cada joven que despierta, por todos los líderes inspirados, por cada horizonte abierto por los demás, por cada alma salvada, por cada ornamento hecho, y por muchas más cosas que escapan mi mente o mi imaginación, estas personas están haciendo una hendidura en el universo, y también puedes hacerlo tú. No es demasiado tarde, en realidad es el momento oportuno para que puedas levantarte a favor de aquello en lo que crees y actúes. Recuerda las palabras de Pablo “Así que no nos cansemos de hacer el bien. A su debido tiempo, cosecharemos numerosas bendiciones si no nos damos por vencidos.”

Estos hombres y mujeres han sido “Sueñoinspirados“, y por eso me quito el el sombrero ante ellos; todos son increíbles y también lo eres tú. Dios ha depositado en tu ADN, las semillas de grandeza y es tu deber el liberarlas. Así que Respira con expectación, Vive con confianza y Muévete con valentía. Termino diciendo, las palabras de Filipenses, que son verdaderas para todos nosotros: “Y estoy seguro de que Dios, quien comenzó la buena obra en ustedes, la continuará hasta que quede completamente terminada el día que Cristo Jesús vuelva.” ¡Nos vemos en la cima!.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright DP, 2011

Las citas bíblicas son tomadas de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, derechos de autor © 1996, 2004, 2007 por Tyndale House Foundation. Usado con permiso de Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Todos los derechos reservados.