Great Values: Courage

by DP

This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go – Joshua 1:9

Before talking about courage, I thought it would be appropriate to shed some light on its nemesis: Fear. It is an emotional foreboding or dread of impending distress or misfortune. Our common english word simply denotes it as dread or terror. Fear has a tendency to either immobilize people or seriously affect their activity. Not a good feeling at all.

But courage is the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. Some synonyms are fearlessness, dauntlessness, intrepidity, pluck, spirit. Courage, bravery and valor, refer to qualities of spirit and conduct. Bravery implies true courage with daring and an intrepid boldness. Valor implies heroic courage.

This is one of the great values ​​that are common and make civilizations and world religions great. It brings to mind some names of men and women that are or were courageous in their time. Famous names like Dr. Martin Luther King, William Wilberforce, Amelia Earhart, just to mention a few. These are commendable stories that stir our hearts and give us hope in the human existence. But also there are others that are not known to the world that equally inspire us every day. Those are the real stories that exude courage and inspire me the most, because they talk to me not from a podium but from my side. Our men and women of the armed forces; you might know a few. The mother or father that wakes up very morning to care for the family, when no one else cares. You might have some stories of your own, where you where challenged to move forward in spite of your fears because there was something more noble and more important than the fear you felt. That is courage my friend.

But the biggest act of courage ever recorded and forever branded in the human spirit was performed by the most uniquely of people. Well, that was his neighbors thought about him. They had seen him grow among them, they knew his family and what he did for a living. He had fixed or created many of their furnishings, and yet they were so wrong about him. And then in the wee hours of night, knowing that his time was near, he prayed alone, he suffered alone and ultimately gave his life alone. But he did what no other man could do, he redeemed what no other sacrifice could redeem, and confronted sin with the most unwavering stance of all, and he won. He was and He is, courage personified. His name is Jesus. Through him, we are able to confront life and overcome every obstacle we are faced with. When we are weak, he is strong and the world will be better for it.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the resolve to move forward in spite of it. Be courageous and change the world.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Excerpt from Elwell, W. A., & Comfort, P. W. (2001). Tyndale Bible dictionary. Tyndale reference library (479–480). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers.

Great Values: Love

This is my command: Love each other. – John 15:17

We continue to reflect on the list of common values that make civilizations great. Those values are: Wisdom, Integrity, Love, Freedom, Justice, Courage, Humility, Patience, Industriousness, Thriftiness, Generosity, Objectivity, Cooperation, Moderation and Optimism.


It has been described as an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue or value, representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another.

It has been the most written and talked about value of all, (this is one of them). It has also been one of the most misunderstood of all. Every human being has an opinion of what it represents for them. But unarguably, we are wired to love and be loved; It is in our DNA. Many have written about the subject because of the internal pursuit of happiness we all are looking for. Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, wrote extensively about love and pointed out that above all of the virtues, love was the greatest. Jesus himself in the verse quoted above, commanded it. There are many expressions of what love is, and Jesus himself said that to give one’s life is the greatest expression of them all. This he said of himself, giving his life for our sins.

Yet many have tried to define how it should be done or what form it should take. At one point Jesus was tested and was asked: “Of all the commandments, which is the most important? Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: Listen, O Israel! The LORD our God is the one and only LORD. And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these.”

And it is on this expression that hinges the key to our nations. Love may be understood as part of the survival instinct, a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species. To care, appreciate, consider, value and love our neighbor as ourselves. So if we have a poor vision of who we are, we will be incapable of loving the way we were created for. Many expressions of love today, come from a distorted view of ourselves, and as such we treat our neighbors. So in order to affect our community and our nation, we need to love ourselves first, in a healthy way. Jesus was the epitome of the expression of love.

I told you that Paul had written about love. In his letter to the Corinthians he taught what love looked like: Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Do you really love? Let’s practice: change in these verses your name instead of the word “love” and read it to yourself. Can you say that you are patient and kind? Not boastful or jealous? I know myself that I still have to work a lot on this, how about you?

If we want a great nation, let’s follow his command: Love each other.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright Danny Maldonado, 2012

Grandes Valores: Amor

por DP

Este es mi mandato: ámense unos a otros. Juan 15:17

Continuamos reflexionando sobre la lista de valores comunes que hacen grandes a las civilizaciones. Esos valores son: Sabiduría, Integridad, Amor, Libertad, Justicia, Valor, Humildad, Paciencia, la Laboriosidad, la Frugalidad, la Generosidad, la Objetividad, la Cooperación, la Moderación y el Optimismo.


Ha sido descrito como un sentimiento de gran afecto y apego personal. El amor también es una virtud o un valor, representan a toda la bondad humana, la compasión y el afecto, y el interés desinteresado, fiel y benevolente por el bien de otro.

Ha sido uno de los valores del que más se ha escrito y hablado de todos, (este es uno de ellos). También ha sido uno de los más incomprendidos de todos. Cada ser humano tiene una opinión de lo que representa para ellos. Pero indiscutiblemente, estamos configurados para amar y ser amados, está en nuestro ADN. Muchos han escrito sobre el tema debido a la búsqueda interna de la felicidad que todos estamos buscando. Pablo en 1 Corintios 13, escribió extensamente sobre el amor y señaló que por encima de todas las virtudes, el amor era el más grande. Jesús mismo en el verso citado anteriormente, lo dijo como mandato. Hay muchas expresiones de lo que es el amor, y Jesús mismo dijo que el dar la propia vida es la expresión más grande de todas. Esto lo dijo de sí mismo, dando su vida por nuestros pecados.

Sin embargo, muchos han tratado de definir la forma en que debe hacerse o qué forma debe tomar. En un punto Jesús fue probado y se le preguntó: “De todos los mandamientos, ¿cuál es el más importante? Jesús contestó: —El mandamiento más importante es: “¡Escucha, oh Israel! El SEÑOR nuestro Dios es el único SEÑOR. Amarás al SEÑOR tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente y con todas tus fuerzas. El segundo es igualmente importante: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Ningún otro mandamiento es más importante que éstos.

Y es en esta expresión que depende la clave para nuestras naciones. El amor puede ser entendido como parte del instinto de supervivencia, una función para mantener unidos a los seres humanos contra las amenazas y para facilitar la continuación de la especie. Para cuidar, apreciar, considerar, valorar y amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos. Así que si tenemos una mala visión de lo que somos, seremos incapaces de amar a la manera en que fuimos creados. Muchas expresiones de amor hoy en día, provienen de una visión distorsionada de nosotros mismos, y como tal tratamos a nuestros vecinos. Así que con el fin de afectar a nuestra comunidad y nuestra nación, tenemos que amarnos a nosotros mismos primero, de una manera saludable. Jesús fue el epítome de la expresión del amor.

Les dije que Pablo había escrito acerca del amor. En su carta a los Corintios, él enseñó a lo que el amar se parecía: El amor es paciente y bondadoso. El amor no es celoso ni fanfarrón ni orgulloso ni ofensivo. No exige que las cosas se hagan a su manera. No se irrita ni lleva un registro de las ofensas recibidas. No se alegra de la injusticia sino que se alegra cuando la verdad triunfa. El amor nunca se da por vencido, jamás pierde la fe, siempre tiene esperanzas y se mantiene firme en toda circunstancia. ¿De verdad amas? Practiquemos: cambia en estos versos tu nombre en lugar de la palabra “amor” y lo léelo para ti mismo. Puedes decir que eres paciente y amable? ¿No eres jactancioso o celoso? Yo sé que todavía tengo que trabajar mucho en esto, ¿y que tal tú?

Si queremos una gran nación, vamos a seguir su mandato: Ámense unos a otros.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Las citas bíblicas son tomadas de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, derechos de autor © 1996, 2004, 2007 por Tyndale House Foundation. Usado con permiso de Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Todos los derechos reservados.

Great Values: Integrity

by DP

The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them. Proverbs 20:7

We continue to reflect on the list of fifteen common values ​ that make civilizations and world religions, great as I mentioned in the introductory post. Those values are: Wisdom, Integrity, Love, Freedom, Justice, Courage, Humility, Patience, Industriousness, Thriftiness, Generosity, Objectivity, Cooperation, Moderation and Optimism.


By definition it is 1the idea of singleness of heart or mind. 2Faithful support of a standard of values. 3Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. 4The state of being whole, entire, or undiminished. – One author once said, Integrity is the character trait that shows who you really are when nobody is watching. It is one of those “sticky” values that we are very prone to discover the lack of it in others, but we make excuses when are confronted by our failure to have it.

But what is integrity and why is it so important? When we consider the root of the word itself, “integrity” stems from the Latin adjective integer (whole, complete). In this context, integrity is the inner sense of “wholeness” deriving from qualities such as honesty and consistency of character. As such, one may say that others “have integrity” to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold. It is of extreme importance because it goes to the core of what society is all about. The word “wholeness” resonates with me because it refers to something that has no parts, it is one thing, and as such it acts as it portrays itself. We should do the same regardless if we are seen or not.

Every individual in society should be regarded as “complete” or “whole” because it will ensure a nation that will achieve greatness in all it does. We are tested almost every single day on this subject. It is so important that Salomon, states that a man that walks with integrity, no only reaps the benefits of his completeness of character, but he also blesses his lineage. All of his works will pass the test to time and the scrutiny of others, and will bring honor to his family. But what if I believe I lack integrity? You are on the right track. This is value, as all values, can be learned and developed. You can be accountable to someone else that will help you become the man or woman of integrity you want to become. King David, a man that God said was after his own heart, struggled with many issues as you and I struggle daily. In one of those moments he made this prayer: “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” Do as David did, ask God to create a clean heart and a loyal spirit, a “wholeness or complete” spirit, in you.

Finally, there is a difference between the freedom of choice and the choices that bring freedom, and if we chose the latter, our life and that of our nation will be better. And it starts with you; when you chose to live a life of Integrity.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Grandes Valores: Integridad

por DP

Los justos caminan con integridad; benditos son los hijos que siguen sus pasos. – Proverbios 20:7

Continuamos reflexionando en la lista de quince valores mas comunes que hacen grandes a las civilizaciones y a las religiones del mundo, como mencioné en el escrito introductorio. Esos valores son: Sabiduría, Integridad, Amor, Libertad, Justicia, Valor, Humildad, Paciencia, la Laboriosidad, la Frugalidad, la Generosidad, la Objetividad, la Cooperación, la Moderación y el Optimismo.


Por definición, es la 1 idea de la sinceridad de corazón o la mente. 2 el apoyo fiel de un estándar de valores. 3 La adherencia a los principios morales y éticos; solidez de carácter moral, honestidad. 4 El estado de ser entero completo, y no disminuido. – Un autor dijo una vez: La integridad es el rasgo del carácter que muestra quién eres realmente cuando nadie te está mirando. Es uno de esos valores “pegajosos” al que nosotros somos muy propensos a descubrir la falta de él en otros, pero hacemos excusas cuando se nos confronta por nuestra incapacidad de tenerlo.

Pero, ¿qué es integridad y por qué es tan importante? Si consideramos la raíz de la palabra misma, “integridad” se deriva del adjetivo latino entero (todo, completo). En este contexto, la integridad es el sentido interno de la “totalidad” que se derivan de cualidades como la honestidad y la consistencia de carácter. Como tal, se podría decir que los demás “tienen integridad” en la medida en que ellos actúan de acuerdo a los valores, creencias y principios que dicen tener. Es de suma importancia porque va al núcleo de lo que la sociedad se trata. La palabra “integridad” resuena en mí, porque se refiere a algo que no tiene ninguna pieza separada, es una sola cosa, y como tal actúa como se describe. Tenemos que hacer lo mismo, independientemente que seamos vistos o no.

Todo individuo en la sociedad debería ser considerado como “completo” o “todo” ya que garantizará que una nación logre alcanzar la grandeza en todo lo que hace. Somos puestos a prueba casi todos los días a este respecto. Es tan importante, que Salomón dice que un hombre que camina con integridad, no sólo cosecha los beneficios de la integridad de carácter, sino que también bendice a su linaje. Todas sus obras pasarán la prueba del tiempo y del escrutinio de los demás y traerá honor para su familia. ¿Pero y si creo que me falta integridad? Estás por buen camino. Este es un valor, que como todos los valores, pueden aprenderse y desarrollarse. Puedes ser responsable ante alguien que te ayudará a ser el hombre o la mujer de integridad que deseas ser. El rey David, un hombre que Dios dijo que era conforme a su corazón, tuvo problemas con muchos asuntos que tú y yo luchamos todos los días. En uno de esos momentos hizo esta oración: “Crea en mí, oh Dios, un corazón limpio y renueva un espíritu fiel dentro de mí.” Debemos hacer como hizo David, le pidió a Dios que creara un corazón limpio y un espíritu fiel, “total o completo”, en ti.

Finalmente, hay una diferencia entre la libertad de elección y las elecciones que traen libertad , y si optamos por esta última, nuestra vida y la de nuestro país será mejor. Y todo comienza contigo , cuando eliges vivir una vida de integridad.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Las citas bíblicas son tomadas de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, derechos de autor © 1996, 2004, 2007 por Tyndale House Foundation. Usado con permiso de Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Todos los derechos reservados.

Great Values: Wisdom

But true wisdom and power are found in God; counsel and understanding are his.” – Job 12:13

As I mentioned in the introductory post, I heard a very inspiring ten minute podcast from Zig Ziglar, that prompted in me the desire to explore more about the list of fifteen values that are common and that make civilizations and world religions, great. Those values are: Wisdom, Integrity, Love, Freedom, Justice, Courage, Humility, Patience, Industriousness, Thriftiness, Generosity, Objectivity, Cooperation, Moderation and Optimism.


We all know, relate or regard individuals that we consider wise. When we think of wisdom, usually their names come to mind. But inarguably, we always associate the name of Salomon with wisdom. The majority of the book of Proverbs was written by King Salomon. It is a book full of practical, everyday, doable advise that will enrich anyone, regardless if you are a follower of Christ or not.

But what is wisdom? It could sometimes be confused with intelligence, and both are very different. I can prove it. How many smart, intelligent, degree holders, high IQ individuals do you know, that their life is a mess? They have a PhD but their homes are destroyed. You can hold a Masters degree in finance and neglect the basic necessities of your family. Intelligence has nothing to do with wisdom, although when you become wiser, your intellect will blossom to heights unimaginable.

There is a saying that states “Knowledge is power,” and I can agree in part with that. You can have knowledge in a particular area and not act on it and it actually becomes theory. But we could transcribe this statement and say, “Applied knowledge is power,” because it is on the application that that knowledge is expressed. That said, wisdom works the same way; it has to be acted upon and in other instances, refrained upon. Not acting on something is also an action. Applied wisdom makes great men and women, which will make great nations and civilizations. The book of Job, tells us that true wisdom and power are found in God. Wouldn’t it be then obvious for us to seek his counsel as stated in his word? If the people that you listen to, are a preview of the future you, let’s choose correctly who we will listen. Jesus is the personification of Wisdom; applied wisdom. Following his teachings would be a good place to start.

A great nation starts with great people. And greatness in your nation can start with you.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Grandes Valores: Sabiduría

por DP

Pero la verdadera sabiduría y el poder se encuentran en Dios; el consejo y el entendimiento le pertenecen. – Job 12:13

Como mencioné en el escrito introductorio, escuché un “podcast” muy inspirador de diez minutos de Zig Ziglar que provocó en mí el deseo de explorar más sobre la lista de quince valores más comunes y que hacen grandes a las civilizaciones y a las religiones del mundo. Esos valores son: Sabiduría, Integridad, Amor, Libertad, Justicia, Valor, Humildad, Paciencia, Laboriosidad, Frugalidad, Generosidad, Objetividad, Cooperación, Moderación y Optimismo.


Todos conocemos, nos relacionamos o nos referimos a personas que consideramos sabios. Cuando pensamos en la sabiduría, por lo general sus nombres vienen a nuestra mente. Pero indiscutiblemente, siempre asociamos el nombre de Salomón con la sabiduría. La mayor parte del libro de los Proverbios fue escrito por el rey Salomón. Es un libro repleto de consejos prácticos y cotidianos que ha a enriquecer a cualquiera, sin importar si es un seguidor de Cristo o no.

Pero, ¿qué es la sabiduría? A veces puede confundirse con la inteligencia, y ambas son muy diferentes. Puedo demostrarlo. ¿Cuántas personas inteligentes, listas, con grados universitarios, individuos de alto coeficiente intelectual conoces y que sus vidas son un desastre? Tienen un doctorado, pero sus familias están destruidas. Puedes tener una maestría en finanzas y abandonar las necesidades básicas de tu familia. La inteligencia no tiene nada que ver con la sabiduría, aunque cuando te vuelves más sabio, tu intelecto florecerá a alturas inimaginables.

Hay un dicho que dice “El conocimiento es poder,” y estoy de acuerdo en parte con eso. Puedes tener conocimientos en un área en particular y no actuar al respecto y la realidad es que se convierte en teoría. Pero podríamos transcribir esta afirmación y decir, “el conocimiento aplicado es poder”, porque es en la aplicación que el conocimiento se expresa. Dicho esto, la sabiduría funciona del mismo modo; se debe actuar sobre ella y, en otros casos, abstenerse de actuar. El no actuar sobre algo es también una acción. La sabiduría aplicada hace grandes a hombres y a mujeres, lo que hará a su vez, grandes naciones y civilizaciones. El libro de Job, nos dice que la verdadera sabiduría y el poder se encuentran en Dios. ¿No sería entonces obvio para nosotros pedirle consejo como dice en su palabra? Si la gente a quien prestas atención, son un previo del futuro tú, escojamos correctamente a quién escucharemos. Jesús es la personificación de la sabiduría, la sabiduría aplicada. Seguir sus enseñanzas será un buen lugar para empezar.

Una gran nación comienza con grandes personas. Y la grandeza en tu nación puede comenzar contigo.

“RESPIRA con expectación, VIVE con confianza y MUÉVETE con valentía”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Las citas bíblicas son tomadas de la Santa Biblia, Nueva Traducción Viviente, derechos de autor © 1996, 2004, 2007 por Tyndale House Foundation. Usado con permiso de Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Todos los derechos reservados.

Great Values

by DP

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. – James 1:17

Recently I heard a very inspiring ten minute podcast from Zig Ziglar, the renowned speaker dubbed “America’s Motivator”. I personally regard his teachings and insights highly and recommend them for any stage you might be in life. The tittle of the podcast is “Use your resources”. In it Zig stresses the importance of using the resources available to us. He uses the example of many men that made many great strides and even revolutionized a foreign country. That country is Japan. Japan has no natural resources, no oil, no gas, no coal. Two-thirds of the land cannot be used for anything an it is half the size of the state of Texas. They also have half of the people in the US, and yet they are the number one creditor nation in the entire world. They are that way because they have developed the most important resource of the all; The Human Resources.

Each one of us are the only ones that can use our abilities. I am not going to transcribe word for word from the podcast, but what really caught my attention was a list of fifteen values ​​that are common and that make civilizations and world religions, great. The list was made by the Thomas Jefferson Center in Pasadena California after a number of years of research. Those values are: Wisdom, Integrity, Love, Freedom, Justice, Courage, Humility, Patience, Industriousness, Thriftiness, Generosity, Objectivity, Cooperation, Moderation and Optimism.

What if we pursue and live those values that have made others great? What if we decide to be the change and not ask for change? What if we take a good look at ourselves and embrace these values in our lives? I will promise you something: It won’t be easy, but it will be great! We were created for greatness, and yet we don’t live that way. But it can be done and you can do it. Living these values will not only help you, but all of those around you, and before you know it a ripple effect will be felt.

And it won’t be long when you will agree with James when he said that every perfect gift comes from above, and your life will be better because you will be living, great values.

“BREATHE expectantly, LIVE confidently and MOVE Boldly”

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© Copyright DP, 2012

Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.